Saturday, May 26, 2012

How To Hypnotize


I's the practice of hypnotizing a person (Putting them into unconscious state), sometimes for making changes in mind of the person being hypnotized according to the will of Hypnotist.

Types Of Hypnotism 



But before hypnotizing others, one must hypnotize oneself, because one who can hypnotize himself/herself can hypnotize the world. So, here's a way to hypnotize yourself. You can put these techniques to hypnotize them for you, but you must hypnotize yourself first.

The essentials of self hypnotism are the same as for the meditation that you must be able to relaxe and clear your mind from all sorta thoughts.
For understanding the hypnotism, it's necessary to know about the states of mind.

States Of Mind 

There are 3 basic states of mind.
1. Lot of thoughts, usually most of us experience it
2. Blank state of mind
3. Only one concentrated thought at a time (It is needed in meditation, hypnotism and telepathy and all kinda especial (extra sensory perceptions) practices.

Step By Step Tutorial

  • Step 1. First step is physical relaxation. Sit in an easy position, close your eyes and try to avoid unnecessary movements of your body. Try to imagine that each part of your head is relaxing from hair roots, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, lips till neck then go to right hand, then left hand, then chest, belly muscles to the right leg, foot, then left leg , left foot, in this way relax muscles of whole body.
  •  Step 2. Second step is all about mental relaxation, normally you must be in state of "Lots Of Thoughts"  that is many thoughts and worries must be in your mind, but now you have to relax our mind by clearing your mind from all sorta thoughts and worries, there're a lot of ways to do so, here's a simple one: You can put a bowlful water in front of you and then pick all of your worries and thoughts (Education, job, family matters etc) and put them into this water bowl one by one, in this way sooner or later your mind will enter into the second state of mind, "Blank State Of Mind"  that is without worries and thoughts, you go completely into unconscious state, always remember to ask your mind in beginning of mental relaxation that after so time (Decide this time yourself) you will be awaken out of this unconscious state of mind (Hypnotic Sleep).

As soon as you achieve this pint, you must be in good state of peace
Now you may start active part of self hypnotism as follows
  • Step 3. Put your arm in front of you, now tell yourself that your arm is getting lighter and lighter, say these words and feel them in your mind until your arm becomes so lighter that it starts raising in the air in front of you. 

  • Step 4. Once you succeeded in achieving this step then ask yourself that your arm is getting heavy and heavy and it's lowering down, until it again comes back in your lap. Once you have succeeded in it, you may try other actions of obeying difficult orders. 
  • Step 5. Now tell yourself that you're going to awake out of this state of mind, in this way you will be out of self hypnosis state. 
Once you get success in performing all these steps on yourself, then you may try them on others to hypnotize them for you.
Always remember that a mind in the form of Hypnotic Sleep gets ready to accept all types of suggestions from hypnotist. In this way hypnotism may be useful in making a person ready to leave all his bad habits like drinking, doing ill sexual practices and hurting others. 

If you don't succeed in performing these steps, then don't loose your heart and try to give effective suggestions by careful selections of the words used in the whole process and increase concentration of your mind by focusing your eyes on "Hypnotic Disc" and then do this practice again and again until you get this great skill of hypnotizing yourself and others.
NOTE: Never force yourself or others to do such things which are against the nature or religious limits. Always use it to relieve worries of yourself and others to make this world full of pleasures. 

Bahu Is Nowhere

Bahu is nowhere;
Only He is there within
and without--- Hu!

One practices austerities and
goes through deep afflictions---- Hu!

One studies million of books
and becomes a renowned scholar,
a sage, --- Hu!

the title of Faqir is granted
only to him
Says Bahu,
whose grave becomes
a living symbol* --- Hu! 

Allah Favoured You

Allah favoured you
and you
memorised the Quran
but the veils were not removed--- Hu!

became a scholar
even then
you seek gold coins? ---- Hu!

You studied
hundred and thousand books
but the cruel baser self
did not die--- Hu!

No body could kill
this thief within,
says Bahu,
except the Faqirs---- Hu! 

As Soon As We Came To Know

As soon as we came to know
the significance of the Name* --- Allah---
the love shone more radiantly---- Hu!

It gave warmth
day and night,
made itself felt more and more--- Hu!

All that fire
burns in our soul.
The flames, the fuel, the smoke,
all within--- Hu!

When the love became
our guide,
says Bahu,
the Love was found
"closer than even the jugular vein" --- Hu! 

Alif* Allah's Name is a Jessamine Sapling 2

Allah's Name is
a jessamine sapling
planted in my heart
by the Murshid--- Hu!

Watered through nafi athbat*
in every vein and every joint --- Hu!

It has blossomed
into flowers.
It emits sweet fragrance
all within --- Hu!

Long live the Murshid
says Bahu,
who planted the plant--- Hu! 

Alif* Allah's Name Is A Jessamine Sapling

Allah's Name is
a jessamine sapling
planted in the heart
by the Murshid (Spiritual Guide)--- Hu!

He teaches the tune
and the mode of dancing
of his own choice--- Hu!

The beloved teacher
remembers us
in every state
all the time--- Hu!

In fact,
it is He Himself
who grants the vision
says Bahu
He transforms the aspirant
His own image* --- Hu! 

My spirit heard

My spirit heard:
"Am I not your Lord?"
it still goes on  crying
in response:
"We bear witness
that you are" --- Hu!

Love for my real place*
over-powers me;
it lets me no rest
even for a moment--- Hu!

May you be doomed
O robbing world!
You plunder the way-farers
on the pathway to Truth--- Hu!

The lovers never accept her,
says Bahu
she wails for the attention--- Hu! 

When the One shoed himself to me

When the One
showed Himself to me,
my baser self
was mortified--- Hu!

I reached
where there was no nearness,
no meeting, no goal
there was neither body
no spirit--- Hu!

Neither was love
and affection
nor existence and universe--- Hu!

I was transformed
says Bahu
into the Absolute reality,
a secret of the pure Essence--- Hu! 

Eyes red, Face pale

Eyes red,
face pale
and sighs
from all sides--- Hu!

The fragrant love
that we chose,
has spread far and near--- Hu!

Love and musk
cannot be concealed,
they're evident there and then--- Hu!

Only they who enjoy the blissful grandeur of placelss,
says Bahu,
can be called Faqirs* ---- Hu! 

How To Perform Muraqaba 2

For muraqaba, it is advisable to sit quietly and alone in a dark peaceful room where one is able to focus all thoughts and attention on receiving enlightenment.

The main forms of Muraqaba or spiritual chain are given below. 
  • Visualizing the Sacred Name:
This is when one visualizes the Name of Allah i.e. Allahu, upon his/her heart and therefore focuses on the attributes of Allah leaving no other thought but Him. All focus must be upon the Creator.
For this, the eyes must be closed, visualizing the words ‘Allah’ engraved onto your heart. Some also prefer to visualize the Name of ‘Muhammad’ upon their hearts too as the Beloved Messenger source intermediary for us to Allah at all times. The one visualising must then recite ‘Allah’ in his/her mind whilst breathing in through the nose, and recite ‘Hu’ whilst exhaling through the mouth.
In this manner, the breathing of such a person becomes engaged in repeating ‘Allahu’ with every breath thus making the heart say the Name of God.
It is reported that Imam al-Ghazali said, “Zikr is, in its reality, the progressive Power of the Named One on the heart, while the Zikr itself wears away and disappears.”
This is in reference to the deep absorption and intensity which pure hearts are able to attain when involved in Muraqaba. Eventually only the Presence of Allah remains in such a heart, whilst the Name, having completed its purpose, fades away.
Permission  for Muraqaba
One must have the permission of their Spiritual Guide before beginning on the journey of Muraqaba, or indeed any type of Wazaa’if (recitation); your Spiritual Guide is your source of guidance, and he knows what is best for your current state and condition.
Khwaja Shah Baha’uddin al-Naqshband said regarding this, “The permission for the zikr must be given by the Perfected One (your Spiritual Guide), in order to influence the one who is using it; just as the arrow from a master of archery is better than the arrow shot from the bow of an ordinary person.”

How to perform Muraqaba

1- Candles: 

Turn off the lights in the room and set some white candles around.

2- Fragrance:

Have some fragrance according to your astrological character or just put some roses/flowers with some beautiful fragrance.

3- Sounds:

There shouldn't be any sounds (of Telephone, Bell, People) coming in the room.

Beginning Muraqaba

  1. After morning prayer (salah e fajjar) or after Isha prayer, before sleeping, sit down on the ground.
  2. First of all free your mind of all the thoughts. Normally, everyone is in the state of too many thoughts. It means they have a lot of thoughts at one time. Now, gradually start ceasing all of the thoughts, so that you get free of all thoughts (Just like a blank page). If you face any difficulty in getting rid of thoughts, then put a bowl full of water in front of you, then start whatever thought comes into your mind, grab it and put it into the water, with your imaginary hands. This way, in a little while you'll be free of all thoughts. Now, you can move forward to number 3 or 4 given below.
  3. Now, don't do or think anything. After a little while some picture will come in your mind or voices will start coming from inside. These signs and sounds, in fact, will be coming from your Innerself (Rooh/ Soul) and with help of these one can find much about hidden (secret) things.
  4. Or you, yourself, should imagine some particular thing (Chant of God's praise, Some holy sight, Your lover or God ) 

If done 20 minutes daily, soon, one will find success in Muraqaba.

One Example for "Particular Thought"

Within power of imagination, get out of your body and fly high in the air, towards Shrine of Hazrat Ali (A.S) Go inside come out and then come back to your body and open your eyes. 

Thursday, May 24, 2012

We understood the significance

We understood the significance
of the eternities
and passed by
all the joyful sights--- Hu!

All the fourteen plains
are in the heart,
so we set fire
to the thoughts of retreats
in the cells--- Hu!

Desolate were they
in both the worlds
who did not find out
the truth--- Hu!

Look at the style of those,
says Bahu,
who immersed themselves
in the Unity--- Hu!

Half The Cure

Half the curse
upon the world
and the whole curse
upon the worldly--- Hu!

Those who did not spend
in the cause of the Master
would suffer "stern judgement"--- Hu!

Curse be upon the cunning world
that instigates the fathers
to kill their sons* --- Hu!

who shunned the world,
says Bahu,
will enjoy the bliss
of evergreen gardens* ---- Hu! 

Curing Continuous Fever

Some people have continuous fever. They go to doctors, ask for medication, seek consultations but never receive a satisfactory answer. Anyone suffering from this problem should read this verse 7 times.


If the patient cannot read this verse someone else who is pious and clean should read it for him/her Inshallah ta'ala, after reading this verse blow on the patients body or into water and then give it to the patient to drink. If done properly, the fever will not repeat again, Inshallah. 

What is a Pentacle?

It's an apparent derivation from the Greek prefix penta- (five) combined with the Latin suffix -culum (diminutive). An Italian word pentacolo appearing in 1483, is used to refer to 'any thing or table of five corners'. It's shape of a star. It represents five most important things which

  1. spirit :  Spirit is the top point. It reminds us about the creators of all life,
    Allah (swt) the only God. He loves us and cares for us every day of our
      lives. Allah (swt)  has given us the four elements and
      these elements are the other four points.
  2. AIR:  Air is important to all of us. We breathe it all the time. If we
      did not have air we would die. Take a deep breath, feel the air.
  3. WATER: We also need water to survive. If we didn’t have water we would
    shrivel up and die. We have water in our mouth and eyes; the
    blood in our bodies is wet. Move your tongue around your mouth,
      feel the water
  4. FIRE: Fire is warm, even hot sometimes. Feel your body it is warm.
    Every person has fire in their body. Sometimes when you have
      too much fire in your body you have a fever.
  5. EARTH: From the earth we get our food which keeps us alive. Our body is
      also made up of earth, it is solid; touch your arm and feel it.

How To Make a Book Of Twilights

A Book of Twilights is a book containing religious texts and instructions for Spiritual rituals found within the Islamicraft (Islamick Spiritualism).

Your Book of Twilights is your most important form of record keeping. Your Book of Twilights is a reflection of your spiritual journey. It can be a reflection of any rituals you do, any prayers, any incantations, any spells you cast or verses your recite, and thoughts and feelings that you have. A Book of Twilights (BOT) is a record of all spiritual workings, favorite spells, amulets, verses, chants, rituals, chilla (retreats) and results. Try thinking of your Book of Twilights as a study of your life and the Spirituality that you create and witness.

You can do almost anything with your Book of Twilights. There is no mandatory formula for how you keep or decorate your Book of Twilights. You can decorate it any way that you may want, or you can write your Book of Twilights entirely in the secret alphabet if you wish.

Putting all of this information down in your Book of Twilights requires a bit of organizing and planing. Here are some tips.

File by topic (i.e., ritual work, spell work, etc...)
Alphabetize by subject

As your Book of Twilights is your journal or guide, there are many types of things that can go into it. Here's an example.

An opening dedication to your Allah
Table of Contents
Islamicraft Studies
A page of ethics or beliefs
Why you came to Islamicraft
Quranic Remedies
Spirituality (Sufism)
Logs of spiritual workings you do
Meditations  (Muraqaba)
Anything you feel contributes to your growth.

* One useful thing to consider when keeping a Book of Twilights is to keep a record of the spells etc that you use and create. You can note the type of spell, how it was conducted, the purpose of the spell, and the outcome. Such a record might look something like this:

[1] Purpose of Spell:

[2] Type of Spell Cast:

[3] Any Special Tools Used for the Spell:

[4] Astrological Correspondences Existing at Time of Spell:

[5] Weather:

[6] Your Health and Emotional State:

[7] Outcome of the Spell:

[8] Did the Spell Work the Way You Wanted It To?

[9] Other Notes:

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A Plain Life - William Henry Davies

No idle gold -- since this fine sun, my friend,
Is no mean miser, but doth freely spend.

No precious stones -- since these green mornings show,
Without a charge, their pearls where'er I go.

No lifeless books -- since birds with their sweet tonges
Will read aloud to me their happier songs.

No painted scenes -- since clouds can change their skies
A hundred times a day to please my eyes.

No headstrong wine -- since, when I drink, the spring
Into my eager ears will softly sing.

No surplus clothes -- since every simple beast
Can teach me to be happy with the least
          William Henry Davies

A Greeting - William Henry Davies

Good morning, Life---and all
Things glad and beautiful.
My pockets nothing hold,
But he that owns the gold,
The Sun, is my great friend--
His spending has no end.

Hail to the morning sky,
Which bright clouds measure high;
Hail to you birds whose throats
Would number leaves by notes;
Hail to you shady bowers,
And you green field of flowers.

Hail to you women fair,
That make a show so rare
In cloth as white as milk--
Be't calico or silk:
Good morning, Life-- and all
Things glad and beautiful.

              William Henry Davies

Terminology, ords Definitions A-Z



Literally "The God." There is no plural, masculine or feminine forms of this word in Arabic. This denotes the One True God, the Almighty Creator. 

Alhamdulillah /al-hamdilillah / al-hamdulillah

A phrase that Muslims often use in conversation, especially when thanking God for blessings. It literally means "Praise be to Allah."


Affirmations are declarations of our worthiest goals. Repeating those declarations often enough that our subconscious minds accepts them as fact, will guide our behaviour accordingly towards the goal. Through affirmations we can declare ourselves happier, more positive, healthier, stronger, more successful … the list goes on … whatever it is that will help us love ourselves more.

Positive affirmations align our spirit with the Universe.


Alchemy is the ancient practice in which ‘metallurgy’, medicine, chemistry, religion and mysticism were blended together in an effort to achieve several goals - the main one, being to transform base metals into ‘precious’ metals, was symbolic of the alchemist’s hope of bringing the Universe closer to its highest potential - physically and spiritually.

Another intention of the ancient alchemist was to discover an elixir that would cure all diseases, and indefinitely extend human life expectancy whilst maintaining optimum health. They are of the belief that there is an inseparable bond between the physical and the spiritual/metaphysical.


An altered state of consciousness is a state in which the mind perceives, conceives and processes information in a different way to which it normally does. Such states include meditation, trances, astral travel, clairaudience, clairsentience, clairvoyance (and other psychic/spiritual/paranormal states) and hypnosis (both regression and otherwise), dreams and daydreams.

Other altered states of consciousness are induced voluntarily, such as ‘recreational’ and prescription drug use and the drinking of alcohol (to an inebriated state).


The wearing of amulets was practiced by all the great ancient civilizations, and especially that of Ancient Egypt from which so many symbols emerge. Centuries of magical faith and experience support the belief that these legendary luck-bringers can attract good luck or avert misfortune.

An amulet wards off danger, negative energies and misfortune. An amulet has always been used for protection, especially against the dreaded power of the ‘evil eye’.

Crystals and gemstones have been used both as amulets. Given their natural beauty, rarity and value, crystals and precious stones in the ancient cultures were believed to possess intrinsic virtues which radiated their energies to its owner or wearer.

Apart from precious stones and their virtues, there are time-honoured amulets consisting of things in some form or design which is believed to the ‘magical’.


 beings of light that serve as God's messengers; They lack free will.


The spirit world is able to manipulate physical objects here on earth, often transporting them through space and time so that they appear before us. This manipulation or ability is called ‘apportation’.


The Astral Body consists of a subtle energy field of light that encases the physical body. The Astral Body is the fourth layer of the aura. It is morphous - that is, lacking definite shape, and is composed of clouds of colour, more beautiful than those of the emotional body.

The Astral body usually has the same set of colours as the emotional body, but they are mostly infused with the rose colour of Love. This body extends from six to twelve inches from the physical body.


Astral Catalepsy is the sensation of the body’s reaction when the spirit either enters or leaves the physical body.

During ‘Astral Travel’ the spirit leaves the physical body. The vast majority of the time our spirits slip in and out of our bodies very easily without disturbing our sleeping, conscious minds.

On rare occasions though, depending upon the level of sleep the conscious mind happens to be in, the spirit is ‘caught’ either entering or leaving the body. This gives one the sensation of:

* shortness of breath, often caused by the sensation of an oppressive weight on the chest.

* paralysis

* being touched by something or someone menacing, but invisible.

* an overwhelming vibration

* loud noises and/or buzzing

* the appearance of strange lights

* a sensation of someone/something sitting on the bed, or moving the bed sheets etc.


Astral projection is when the spirit temporarily leaves the body. The spirit is able to leave for a moment; or can project itself to a specific location – which in the dimension of the spirit realm takes no longer than an instant.


Astral travel is when our spirits take a ‘trip’ away from the physical body. The spirit is able to take off and visit wherever and whomever we wish. Astral travel lies at the core of some of our most vivid and memorable dreams.


Astrology is an ancient art charting the cycles of the Universe and the positions of the planets at the time of birth, to forecast, predict and draw a distinct impression of the personality and the Life Path.

The Astrology Chart or Zodiac is made up of twelve Sun or natal signs; each with its own ruling planet and a specific segment of the calendar.


The Aura is sometimes called the ‘etheric substance’ or ‘etheric body’ that surrounds and emanates every living thing. It is the outer-layer of the electromagnetic energies.

Every aura contains all the colours of the spectrum, but the dominant colours may vary depending upon our physical and emotional health.

Bodies of the Aura

  • The Etheric Body is the first layer. It has the same structure as the physical body, including all the anatomical parts and organs. The web-like structure of the etheric body is in constant motion and to the clairvoyant vision, sparks of bluish-white light move along its energy-lines throughout the entire physical body It extends from one quarter of an inch to two inches from the physical body.

  • The Emotional Body is the second layer and is associated with feelings. Its structure is more fluid than the etheric, and it does not duplicate the physical, but instead roughly follows the outline of the physical body. It appears to be coloured clouds of fine substance in continual fluid motion and extends from one inch to three inches from the physical body.

  • The Mental Body is the third layer. It extends beyond the emotional body and is composed of still finer substances, all of which are associated with thought and mental processes. This body usually appears as a bright yellow light radiating about the head and shoulders and extending around the whole body. It extends three to eight inches from the physical body.

  • The Astral Body is the fourth layer. It is morphous - that is, lacking definite shape, and is composed of clouds of colour, more beautiful than those of the emotional body. The Astral body usually has the same set of colours as the emotional body, but they are mostly infused with the rose colour of Love. This body extends from six to twelve inches from the physical body.

  • The Etheric Template Body is the fifth layer, and is so called because if contains all the forms that exist on the physical plane in a ‘blueprint’ form. It looks rather like the negative of a photograph. It is the blueprint or perfect form for the etheric layer to take and it extends from one and a half to two feet from the physical body.

  • The Celestial Body is the sixth layer and is the emotional level of the Spiritual plane. It is the level through which we experience Spiritual ecstasy and can be reached through deep meditation and it extends two to two and a half feet from the physical body.

  • The Ketheric Body or Causal Body is the seventh layer. This is the mental level of the Spiritual plane. It extends from two and a half to three and a half feet from the physical body.


Automatic writing is writing (or typing) that involves the intuitive mind taking over from the rational mind in order to access and record information.


The angel of death.



The state of the souls of the deceased before the Day of Judgment, when they will be assigned to Heaven or to Hell.


The word ‘banshee’ originates from a Celtic word meaning ‘woman of the fairy’. Banshees are most noted for their piercing wail said to break glass for miles around, alerting families to the death of a relative.

The sound of the wailing is said to do with the density of the fog and the speed of the spirit moving from the physical body into the realm of spirit.


To bi-locate is the ability to be in two (or more) places at once.

This is able to be achieved in the spirit realm but not in the physical/material world when we are in human form.


The Birth Sign is also known as the Sun Sign in Astrology. This is the astrological sign that the sun was in at the time you were born.


A bleed-through is an event in which two separate times or dimensions come together with such intense spiritual force that for a brief time they meet, meld and blend together and become one.



The word chakra is Sanskrit for ‘vortex’ or ‘wheel’. The chakras are energy centres within our physical bodies. There are 7 major chakras between the crown (or top) of the head, to the base of the spine. There are another 42 or so minor chakras and more in the aura.

Each of the 7 chakras correspond to a major endocrine gland in the body and each of them control specific physical areas and functions.


Cell Memory is the entire body of knowledge that our spirit minds have gathered during all our past lives, infused and reacted to by every cell in the physical body the moment the spirit enters the fetus.

Our spirit minds remember every moment we’ve experienced in this life.


A ‘channel’ or ‘channeler’ is someone who is able to communicate with spirit and the ‘other side’. This process is known as ‘channeling’. A channel is also sometimes known as a Medium and also known as Kashf-e-Kaboor in Islamic spiritualism.


Repetitive, short, simple words, an affirmation, or sounds used to help attain a deeper spiritual or meditative state.


Chi is the positive Universal energy that flows through the body’s vital organs and circulates through the entire body. Chi is positive energy.


Clairaudience is a French word that means ‘clear hearing’. Clairaudience is the ability to hear things that originate in another dimension. It is the definite audio-perception of actual sounds and words.


Clairsentience is the ability to receive a silent thought, message or projected emotion from nearby or from other dimensions, and experience it as an actual physical and emotional sensation. Clairsentience is sometimes called ‘clear thinking’ or ‘clear knowing’.


Clairvoyance is the ability to see things, objects or information that originates from another dimension. Sometimes this is called ‘clear seeing.’

· Clairvoyant visions originate in other dimensions, and earth is the only dimension where we have the concept of ‘time’. Everywhere else there is nothing but ‘now’, so past, present and future are not necessarily factored into a vision. This is why it is often difficult for clairvoyants to predict an exact date or time.


Deep thought or inner-reflection as a type of prayer or meditation.


The Cosmic Other Side is as identical reflection of the Universe as our Other Side is of Earth. The residents of the Other Side are the most highly advanced in the Universe.


 A six-stages creative act by God. 


Creative visualization is the method of using images to help one to achieve their goals. This is often used during meditation, prayer or deep relaxation.


Crystals and other natural gems are formed in the earth over countless millennia. The energy they have absorbed during their formation is ancient, rich and potent, and their atoms are arranged with geometric precision.

Some crystals align the magnetic fields of the earth as the crystal naturally vibrates it’s own energy. This energizes it’s environment and anyone and anything in close proximity. Because of the potent energy they emit, crystals are capable of balancing human energy amongst other things.Crystals emit negative ions which help create uplifting and harmonious feelings. As a personal tool for transformation crystals can be used to amplify, store, transmit and focus your thoughts, emotions and desires, ultimately manifesting them into reality. Crystals bring about clarity, stimulate our resources to cope, and bring about a state of peace and balance into our life.


Curses are an attempt at controlling others by way of manipulation and fear.



The angels who travel in the earth searching out assemblies where people remember God’s name. Harut and Marut are two angels mentioned in Qur'an, who were sent down to test the people at Babylon.


A discarnate spirit is a spirit without a physical body. eg. a ghost.


Deja vu is a fleeting glimpse into our other lives, on earth and on the Other Side.

There are two kinds of déjà vu.

  1. The first occurs when you visit a certain place, house, foreign country or somewhere that you know you’ve never been to before, and suddenly realize that it is very familiar. When we experience this intense familiarity with an unfamiliar place, it is our spirit’s memories of a past life. When the spirit memories build in the subconscious are stirred so deeply by sights from a whole other incarnation, those memories emerge into the conscious mind. This same kind of déjà vu applies to people as well. We all know people who have seemed familiar the moment we meet them.
  2. The second kind of déjà vu consists of a moment in which every single detail, from what you are doing and saying to what you are wearing, the surrounds and what you are thinking are so familiar that you are absolutely positive that you are re-living an exact duplicate of a moment from your past. These instances never last longer than a few seconds. The moment is always gone in less time than it too us to notice it.


Distant healing is the ability to give and/or receive ‘healing’ from a distance. This is where the client/patient/person/animal does not have to be in the vicinity of the healer for the healing affects to take place. The healing is projected to the person/animal who is being healed.


Divination is the use of objects in the hopes of finding answers to our questions. It is also the practice of ‘fortune-telling’ future events. There are many hundreds of different tools practitioners use when divining.


A diviner is someone who divines the location of water, minerals and objects, often with the use of ‘divining rods’.


‘Doppelganger’ is a German word meaning ‘double goer’. When a doppelganger is involved, the body (living, breathing, physical body) bi-locates, or can be seen in two different places at once.


Dowsing is a form of divination that has been used for thousands and thousands of years to search for everything from underground water and minerals to buried treasure. It is also utilized to find energy fields, discover illness in the body and find lost items.


A dowser is a person who dowses.


Generally, there are five (5) categories of dreams: Release Dreams, Wish Dreams, Prophetic Dreams, Information or Problem Solving Dreams and Astral Travels/Visits.

Deluge and Noah's (Nuh's) Ark

Worldwide flood event with water vessel containing remains of humanity and set of all animals.



An earthbound spirit is another name for a ghost or spirit that has left its physical body, but is unable or unwilling to enter the ‘tunnel’. As a result of this, the spirit remains earthbound.


Ectoplasm is thought to be the tangible residue of energy that is transmitted between a psychic/medium and a ghost or spirit. It is the etheric matter that spirits/ghosts produce to make themselves visible to living beings.

Another theory is that ectoplasm originates in the earthbound and is the manifestation of the ghost’s own etheric substance caught between dimensions.

From personal experience, one is able to come into contact with ectoplasm during ‘trance’ work and contact with spirit during meditation and the like. It has a sticky, cob-web-spider-web-like feeling and gives the impression of clinging to you. (hard to describe…)


Essence = I AM


The etheric substance is the energy that permeates and emanates from every space in the Universe and every space within us all.


E S P stands for ‘extra-sensory perception’. ESP is a means of knowing that something is going to happen before it does. It also describes perceptions of thought and experiences without using any of the 5 basic human senses.


We are definitely not the only inhabited planet in the Universe.


The driving out of an unwanted and unwelcome spirit.



Fairies exist in the ‘Elemental’ realm.


‘Fakirs’ are specific orders of yogis, Sufis and East Indians who embrace the belief that poverty and deprivation are essential for a true closeness to God.


Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese system for creating harmony in the environment, unblocking and ushering out negative energies. It is the practice of balancing energies in the environment.


Free association is the method of saying or writing the first thing that comes to mind in response to a word or picture.


Garden of Eden

The heavenly Paradise where Adam and Eve lived before their Fall.


Ghosts are discarnate spirits. For a variety of very personal reasons, some spirits either see the tunnel and white light and reject it, or refuse to acknowledge it at all, which leaves them stranded here on the earthplane outside of their bodies, caught between the lower vibrational level we exist in on earth, and the much higher-frequency vibrational level of the Other Side.


Graphology is the examination and analysis of a person’s handwriting to determine that person’s personality and character.


With every single human there's a Humzad with him/her. It's born with him/her.


Guided imagery is usually in the form of meditation. A guided meditation uses inspiring imagination in a focused and directed way to achieve goals and to heal the mind and body.


Glossolalia is ‘talking in tongues’. ‘Talking in tongues’ is a practice still observed in some religious sects in which a person is elevated to a state of ecstasy that seems to trigger a stream of incomprehensible syllables unrelated to any known language, past or present.



A place is deemed to be ‘haunted’ if there is a discarnate spirit or ghost in residence.


A ‘healer’ is a person who is able to channel healing energies and direct them to someone in need of ‘healing’, be that physically, mentally and/or spirituality.


The state of the souls of the deceased before the Day of Judgment, when they will be assigned to Heaven or to Hell


The studying of the Horoscope is an ancient art charting the cycles of the Universe and the positions of the planets at the time of birth, to forecast, predict and draw a distinct impression of the personality and the Life Path.

The Horoscope, Astrology Chart or Zodiac is made up of twelve sun or natal signs; each with its own ruling planet and a specific segment of the calendar, called ‘Houses’.


Hypnosis is a procedure by which the conscious mind is suppressed enough that underlying information held in the subconscious and/or the spirit mind can be assessed.


A hypnotherapist or hypnotist is someone trained to hypnotize.



God Willing, we must use Insha'Allah in every time we talk in future tense. Cuz nothing can happen without will of God.


The angel of doom trumpet.


Your intuition is your own personal early warning system.It alerts you to changing energies, dangers, knowledge and relevant information.Our job is to listen to what it is telling us and take heed of the messages.


An invocation is a formal greeting or prayer to call upon the presence of spirits, jinns or qareen/guardian angel.


An imprint is an intensely concentrated pocket of energy – a site at which some extremely dramatic event/s has taken place with such profound impact that the images and emotions from those events literally become a part of the land and the atmosphere at the site itself. Not only do those images and emotions become self-sustaining over the years, but everyone who experiences the powerful effect of the imprinted images and emotions and strongly reacts also lends even more energy to the imprint and helps perpetuate it.


Infused knowledge is the phenomenon in which information is directly transferred from one mind to another, with no involvement at all from the five physical senses.

Infused knowledge is one of the most common ways that the spirit world on the Other Side communicates with our spirit minds.



Heaven; the abode of the righteous after the Day of Judgment; contains the Garden of Paradise.


 Hell; the abode of the wicked after the Day of Judgment.

Jibrail / Gabriel

 The archangel Gabriel and Jibrail is an archangel who serves as a messenger from God. 


creatures of fire; along with angels and humans, one of the three intelligent species created by God.



The sacred mosque that we visit while on the Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca). Ibrahim (Abraham) and Ishmael built the Kaaba at God's request, to serve as the earthly counterpart of Jannah (Heaven). Adam built the original earthly Kaaba, but Ibraham and his son had to rebuild it.  


A Kami is the spirit of a departed loved one whose energy remains within the family and community.

Kiraman Katibin

 The two angels who record a person's good and bad deeds.


Kinetic energy is the unintentional, spontaneous manipulation of inanimate objects through no obvious physical means, causing its possessor to become kind of a walking force field.

Kinetic energy is often at its strongest when the body is going through dramatic hormonal changes - during pre-pubescence or puberty, or in pregnant or menopausal women. It can also manifest itself in young children.


Kirilian photography is a method of capturing on film the auras, or energy patterns, that surround all living things.

It was discovered by two Russian scientists, Semyon and Valentina Kirilian in 1939. It involves passing a high frequency electrical current through an object while photographing the object either directly or through glass. The result is an image of the object, along with coloured auras around them that are capable of indicating illness, stress and other emotional and physical afflictions.



Levitation is the phenomenon in which the human body is physically elevated into the air and suspended there for a discernible length of time, without the use of any external or artificial device/s.


The Life Force is that energy within us and the entirety of creation that makes us ‘alive’.



The angel who guards the Hellfire.


The angel of nature. 


A state in which the body is consciously relaxed, and the mind is able to become calm and focused.


Mediumship is the ability to experience contact with the spirits of passed over people/souls, as well as other entities such as angels and spirit guides.

A Medium is a person whose psychic abilities are complimented by an extended range of frequency perceptions. The role of the medium is to fascilitate communication with the spirit realm in order to receive and share messages.


Every atom, particle and cell of all living things on this planet are surrounded by an energy field known as the ‘Aura’. The aura has a series of layers and ‘meridians’ which are channels which convey energy around the body. According to ancient Chinese medicine, there are 14 meridians that carry ‘chi’ throughout the body.


The word metaphysics is derived from the Greek work ‘meta’ meaning ‘beyond’ or ‘after’, and ‘physika’ meaning physical’.

Metaphysics is a philosophy that looks at events that have no physical, scientific explanation.


Morphic Resonance occurs when the spirit mind is confronted with a place or a person so profoundly familiar from a past life that it experiences almost total recall. Deeply affected by that recall, the spirit mind infuses the conscious mind with that same factual and emotional information to the point where the whole body (physically, mentally and spiritually) resonates with a familiarity that only the spirit mind can claim.

Munkar and Nakir

The angels who test the faith of the dead in their graves.


A class of guardian angels who keep people from death until its decreed time.


Broadly, the word ‘myth’ can refer to any traditional story.



A Near Death Experience (NDE) is the phenomenon where the physical body experiences clinical death, but has the vivid awareness of the spirit separating from his or her physical body.


Numerology is ‘The Science of Numbers’ - the study of numbers and their incredible effect on our lives. Numbers have been in existence since the beginning of time and predates all Alphabets.

Numerology tells of our potential destiny, our natural talents, and helps us to gain a better understanding of ourselves and others. It shows us the pathway we need to take in our lives to fulfill our potential and also tells us one of the many reasons why we each have different traits and characteristics.



Omens are signs we look for to predict the future, or to tell us the circumstances of current events. Most omens have been adapted from ancient times to the present, spread and plagiarized from one culture to another and passed down through generations.


An oracle can be a person considered to be a source of wisdom. It can also be referred to as a shrine dedicated to a prophetic deity. The Runes, Tarot, I Ching, Angel Cards amongst many other forms of divination can be considered oracles.


The Other Side is where our spirits come from when we enter the womb. It is also where our spirits go when the physical body dies. It is the realm of spirit. till the Qyammah (The day of judgement)


A Ouija Board consist of a board with letters of the alphabet, numbers and words. A ‘planchette’ moves around the board when fingers or hands are placed lightly upon it, spelling out words and messages from spirit.


An ‘Out Of Body Experience’ is when a person’s consciousness is able to see the world from a perspective that transcends the physical body, and bypasses the physical senses.



Palmistry is the interpretation of a person’s past, present and future, through the study of the lines and other natural markings of the hands. Your dominant hand is thought to reveal your life’s path, while the other hand is thought to indicate your ultimate destiny.


A Pendulum is an object that is suspended from a fixed point, which moves in response to a natural force and/or psychic energy. Pendulums work by connecting with electrical impulses created by our subconscious minds. These influences cause the Pendulum to move, and we can then read these movements to gain insight into the deepest parts of ourselves.


The dictionary definition of the word phenomenon is: “an observable event, particularly one that is remarkable or in some way extraordinary.”


Possession is when a spirit invades and completely overtakes a physical body without consent and to the total submission of the spirit who is already inhabiting that body.


Prana is a form of energy that permeates all physical matter.


An awareness (on a psychic level) of a future event before it takes place.


A premonition is an awareness of a future event, yet to take place.


A prophecy is knowledge and/or information that comes in the form of a vision or dream, before it happens.


Prophetic dreams are dreams in which a future event or events are detailed. People of all creeds and cultures throughout the ages have accepted that dreams could foretell the future or reveal long-forgotten images of the past.


Rather than assaulting the body, ‘psychic attacks’ target our minds, our sense of personal power, our self-conscious, our self-esteem and our hopes and dreams. They drain us of our energy and make us feel depleted on every level.

A psychic attack happens when someone (or a dark entity) consciously and purposefully directs negative energy towards another.


Psychoanalysis is a methodical approach used to examine the unconscious mind, as a way of mental and emotional healing.


Psychokinesis is a Greek word, ‘psyche’ meaning ‘mind’ and ‘kinein’ which means ‘to move’.

Psychokinesis is the ability to use the mind to move or manipulate objects without physically touching them. It is deliberate, focused and specific on the part of its practitioner.


Psychometry is the ability to sense and interpret the living energy that has been absorbed by inanimate objects. Perceptions of that energy can come in the form of visions, smells, sounds, emotions and even specific empathic physical sensations like pain, heat and cold.



The Day of Resurrection (and the reward and punishment of the good and the wicked);


‘Quickening’ means “to come to life” … “to have the spirit enter and activate the earthly body”.



 The angel in charge of maintaining Jannah or Paradise.


Reflexology is a method of ‘hands on healing’ using massage to activate points on the feet and hands that directly relate to organs of the physical body. Reflexology is a technique of diagnosis and treatment in which certain areas of the body, particularly the hands and feet, are massaged to alleviate pain or other symptoms in the organs of the body.

Minor energy points are found within the hands and feet. Healers use these energy channels or points to heal others physically, emotionally and mentally by using healing techniques such Reflexology, Reiki, aromatherapy, massage and other similar alternative therapies.


Reiki (pronounced ray-kee) is an ancient form of natural, holistic healing which was used in Tibet and the far East 6,000 years ago. Eastern religions considered it a sacred healing art and guarded against misuse by keeping the teachings and symbols secret. Only the ‘selected ones’ were taught and very few written records were made.

Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese Christian educator, rediscovered the technique encrypted among Sanskrit records in the late 1800s. Since then people all over the world have been taught to receive Universal Energy through their crown chakras (top of the head) and pass it through their bodies and out their hands into another’s body via the hands-on technique of Reiki.

Reiki is the ancient practice of ‘hands on’ energy healing. Healing with one’s hands is an art, or possibly a science, that finds documented testimonials of "miracles" predating Christianity by nearly a millennium. Universal Life-Force Energy fueled by the power of White Light is what energy-workers believe changes negative to positive, cures the sick, regenerates tissue and accelerates the body’s own natural healing process.

The hands-on healer is trained to utilize this energy, without ego, to facilitate themselves and others in returning to a state of balance and health.


Remote viewing is a skill that allows us to perceive and describe details about a specific item or location that we are separated from by time, distance or a physical barrier.


Retrocognition is when one has intuitive knowledge of past events, without gaining information through the traditional five senses.



When writing the name of the Prophet Muhammad, we must follow it with the abbreviation "SAWS." These letters stand for the Arabic words "sallallahu alayhi wa salaam" (may God's blessings and peace be with him). We use these words to show respect to one of God's Prophet. It is also abbreviated as "PBUH," which stand for the English words of similar meaning ("peace be upon him").

Also Known As: PBUH


Scrying is a practice of divination that provokes clairvoyance when a ‘reader’ stares into a reflective surface while in a deep state of concentration or trance. It is an ancient approach to fortune-telling that employs the use of an object to focus on, or stare at or into, until a vision appears. Objects used for scrying can be stones, coins, mirrors, crystals, crystal bowls and water.


‘Séance’ is a French word which means ‘sitting’. A séance is a gathering in which a channeler attempts to communicate with spirit/s.


Shamanism are holistic healing techniques that begin at the spirit level.

Shamanistic practitioners (Shamans) thrive in countries throughout the world and in almost every religion. Shamans believe that everything in nature is alive. As a result everything in nature possesses information. Shamans work with that information and with the spirits of humans and animals around them to diagnose, to treat and to heal the soul and whatever illness is creating a shadow around it.


Synchronicity is an ‘especially meaningful coincidences’.

(please see COINCIDENCE)


The dictionary defines ‘synergism’ as “the simultaneous action of separate agencies which, together, have greater total effect than the sum of their individual effects.”

Synergism, or synergy, is the simultaneous action of separate people who, together, have a greater total effect than the sum of their individual power.



A talisman is a token, charm or small object of some kind that is worn, carried or kept by its owner. The purpose of a talisman is to attract and help ensure a specific goal, usually good luck, self-confidence, protection, emotional clarity, strength, good health etc.


Tarot cards reflect life’s journey from birth to death, mirroring the path from naivety to experience and self knowledge. Most aspects of human experience are found in the Tarot cards.


Telepathy is the direct, instantaneous passing of information, knowledge or feelings from one person or entity to another, without using the senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste or smell. Silent transference takes place from a sender to a receiver (sometimes over great distances) and it can happen deliberately or without either the sender nor the receiver being aware of it.

The information is received in a variety of ways: phrases or words that pop into the mind for no apparent reason, quick flashes of half-complete images, unusually vivid dreams, or a sudden preoccupation with a person we might not have seen, heard or thought of in a long time.


The ability to communicate thoughts to another without the use of physical means.


A totem is an entity that protect and oversee groups of people such as clans, tribes and families.

Totem beliefs have been present within societies throughout the world, particularly in countries such as Australia, Asia, Africa, Eastern and Western Europe, the Americas and the Arctic polar region.

Many people today choose to adopt a personal totem which has special meaning to them. This can be an animal, symbol or any emblem of personal, spiritual significance.


A trance is a condition in which there is an actual, dramatic, measurable drop in the physical body’s vital signs, an equally measurable decrease in mental activity and a complete, temporary halt to all voluntary movement.

A trance is a state of altered consciousness.


Transfiguration is when a spirit’s physical characteristics are superimposed over a person’s features (usually a ‘medium’ during trance) which presents an image of the spirit entity.


Tulpas are beings that originate in the mind, then through intense belief and visualization, become actual physical realities.



The universal Energy Field is the energy of all existence, which encompasses the physical and non-physical.



Vortexes are most commonly seen in nature in the form of tornados and water spouts – masses of air or water spinning with such speed and force that they are able to pull any objects in their path into the void or ‘eye’ at the centre.

These spiraling masses of energy also exist in swirling vortexes of the earth’s power, usually unseen but dramatically perceived via sudden gravitational anomalies, seemingly impossible light and sound distortions, unexplainable contorted plant life and human effects ranging from dizziness to sudden deep introspection to euphoria.

According to some studies, there are ‘in-flow’ vortexes where the energy flows from space towards the Earth – and ‘up-flow’ vortexes in which the energy flows out of the Earth towards space.




Xenoglossy is the ability to speak or write in a language never learned by the person exhibiting these skills. Xenoglossy is a spontaneous, inexplicable fluency in a traceable (often ancient) language or dialect.

Monday, May 21, 2012


In parapsychology and many forms of spiritual practice, an aura is a field of subtle, luminous radiation surrounding a person or object (like the halo or aureola in religious art). The depiction of such an aura often connotes a person of particular power or holiness. Sometimes, however, it is said that all living things (including humans) and all objects manifest such an aura. Often it is held to be perceptible, whether spontaneously or with practice: such perception is at times linked with the third eye of Indian spirituality.[1][2] Various writers associate various personality traits with the colors of different layers of the aura.[3][4][5] It has also been described as a map of the thoughts and feelings surrounding a person.[6] In the ever growing case of 'mortal vampyres', the psi-vampyres claim to get energy from someone else's aura.

Skeptics such as Robert Todd Carroll contend that auras may be seen for reasons such as migraines, synesthesia,[7] epilepsy, a disorder within the visual system, a disorder within the brain, or due to the influence of psychedelic drugs such as LSD.[8][9] Eye fatigue can also produce an aura, sometimes referred to as eye burn.

Spiritual traditions

In Iran the aura is known as farr or "glory": it is depicted in association with Zoroastrian kings.[10]

Ideas of the aura are well represented in Indian religions. The Buddhist flag represents the colours seen around the enlightened Buddha.[11] In Jainism the concept of Lesya relates colours to mental and emotional dispositions. To the Indian teacher Meher Baba the aura is of seven colours, associated with the subtle body and its store of mental and emotional impressions. Spiritual practice gradually transforms this aura into a spiritual halo.[12] Hindu and Buddhist sources often link these colours to kundalini energy and the chakras.[13]

In the classical western mysticism of neoplatonism and Kabbalah the aura is associated with the lustre of the astral body, a subtle body identified with the planetary heavens, which were in turn associated with various mental faculties in an elaborate system of correspondences with colours, shapes, sounds, perfumes etc.[14]

The symbolism of light found in the Bible is at times associated with the idea of the aura or "body of light":[15] similar interpretations are found in Islamic traditions

plete description of the aura and its colours was provided by Charles Leadbeater, a theosophist of the 19th century.[17] The works of Leadbeater were later developed by Palamidessi[18] and others.

The British occultist W.E. Butler connected auras with clairvoyance and etheric, mental and emotional emanations. He classified the aura into two main types: etheric and spiritual. Auras are thought to serve as a visual measure of the state of the health of the physical body.[19] Robert Bruce classifies auras into three types: etheric, main, and spiritual.[20] According to Bruce auras are not actual light but a translation of other unknown sensory readings that is added to our visual processing. They are not seen in complete darkness and cannot be seen unless some portion of the person or object emitting the aura can also be seen.[21]
Glenn Morris, grandmaster of the Hoshin Roshi Ryu lineage, included perception of the aura in his training of advanced martial artists. His experience was that it consisted of multiple layers. He described the most easily visible of these as being "light and denser than the air in which the body is immersed", typically half to quarter of an inch thick and correlating with the etheric body of an individual. Around this he described a yard thick egg-shaped layer reflecting hormonal state that he linked to the emotional body, and outside this, other barely perceptible layers corresponding to the mental body and beyond.[22] Recalling the aura of another sōke, he wrote, "The first time I saw Hatsumi, he was running continuous bright, lime, neon green a foot wide and was so easy to see he would flash in bright sunlight".[23]

For holistic healers, aura reading is the art of investigating the human energy field, or the energy fields of other sentient beings. It is a basis for using techniques of holistic healing, and includes such practices as bioenergetics, energy medicine, energy spirituality, and energy psychology.


Recognition of auras has occasionally been tested on television. One test involved an aura reader standing on one side of a room with an opaque partition separating her from a number of slots which might contain either actual people or mannequins. The aura reader failed to identify the slots containing people, incorrectly stating that all contained people.[24]

In another televised test[25] another aura reader was placed before a partition where five people were standing. He claimed that he could see their auras from behind the partition. As each person moved out, the reader was asked to identify where that person was standing behind the slot. He identified only 2 out of 5 correctly. 

Anomalous operation

Anomalous operation, also known as anomalous perturbation, is a term used to describe any paranormal phenomena in which it is said that an individual (A) uses Psi (parapsychology) to influence a physical event, or (B) to effect a physical change, in object. There is no scientifically accepted evidence that any such powers exist or that any 'anomalous operations' have been observed in reality.


Alternatively, anomalous perturbation is defined as an interaction with matter without the use of all known physical mechanisms.[1] It can be used to describe a broad variety of phenomena, including Psychokinesis,[2] Faith healing and reality shifts. There is no scientifically accepted evidence that such 'interactions' have been observed in reality.

An example of Anomalous operation would be the use of Psi to manipulate a random number generator into giving out pre-selected results, or causing a compass needle to change its heading. Spoon bending through Psi would also be a form of anomalous operation.

Anomalous perturbations are divided into two categories based on the magnitude of its effects, Macro-AP and Micro-AP. Macro-AP are phenomenon that do not require complex statistical analysis to remove weak effects from the collected data. Phenomena under this category includes telekinesis, poltergeist, teleportation and materialization. Micro-AP on the other hand covers data that show minute differences that require statistical analysis to rule out expected data that was only randomly generated. This category covers random sources such as noisy diodes and radioactive decay.

Further Reading

^ Tart, Charles T. (1997). Body Mind Spirit: Exploring the Parapsychology of Spirituality. Hampton Roads Pub. Co.. pp. 221. ISBN 1-57174-073-2.
^ Bielski, Ursula (1998). Chicago Haunts: Ghostlore of the Windy City. Lake Claremont Press. pp. 1780964242672.
^ May, Edwin C.; Jessica M. Utts, S. James P. Spottiswoode (1995). "Decision augmentation theory: toward a model of anomalous mental phenomena". The Journal of Parapsychology 59. Retrieved 2008-01-05.
Thalbourne, Michael A. (2003) "A Glossary of Terms Used in Parapsychology", Puente Publications, ISBN 0-9634501-1-5
Royal, George (2005) "Psychic Abilities and Parapsychology", Ezine
"Parapsychology". Mandrake Press Ltd.. Retrieved 2008-01-05. 

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Altered state of consciousness

An altered state of consciousness (ASC),[1] also named altered state of mind, is any condition which is significantly different from a normal waking beta wave state. The expression was used as early as 1966 by Arnold M. Ludwig[2] and brought into common usage from 1969 by Charles Tart:[3][4] it describes induced changes in one's mental state, almost always temporary. A synonymous phrase is "altered state of awareness".

Altered states of consciousness can be associated with artistic creativity.[5] They also can be shared interpersonally and studied as a subject of sociological research.[6]



An altered state of consciousness can come about accidentally through, for example, fever, infections such as meningitis,[7] sleep deprivation, fasting, oxygen deprivation, nitrogen narcosis (deep diving), psychosis,[8] temporal lobe epilepsy or a traumatic accident. Altered states of consciousness also occur in healthy women experiencing childbirth,[9] hence the introduction of the term gender-specific states of consciousness.[10]


An ASC can sometimes be reached intentionally by the use of sensory deprivation, an isolation tank, sleep deprivation, lucid dreaming, hypnosis, meditation, prayer, or disciplines (e.g. Mantra Meditation, Yoga, Sufism, dream yoga, or Surat Shabda Yoga).

ASCs can also be attained through the ingestion of psychoactive drugs such as alcohol and opiates, but more commonly with traditional hallucinogens of indigenous cultures, plants such as cannabis, psilocybin mushrooms, Peyote, and Ayahuasca. Other modern hallucinogens that some attempt to use for a similar purpose are (D)-methorphan, LSD-25, substituted phenethylamines, substituted tryptamines, and substituted amphetamines such as those listed in the books PiHKAL and TiHKAL by Dr. Alexander Shulgin, a former analytical organic chemist. These drugs are often noted as "designer drugs" by authorities and professionals or as "research chemicals" by the hallucinogen-use and distribution underground, as an attempt to avoid prosecution under the Federal Analogue Act. The cultural reality of specific state of consciousness resonant with biblical phenomena is the subject of recent academic interest.[11]

A potentially effective[according to whom?] way to induce an altered state of consciousness is using a variety of neurotechnology such as psychoacoustics, binaural beats, light and sound stimulation, cranial electrotherapy stimulation, etc.; these methods attempt to induce specific brainwave patterns, and a particular altered state of consciousness

States of consciousness

Battle trance
Ego death
Euphoria Extra sensory perception
Higher consciousness
Major depressive disorder
Music Therapy
Out of Body Experience Panic
Peak experience
Religious experience
Sexual pleasure
Sleep deprivation
Sleep paralysis


During an altered state of consciousness, brain waves occupy different categories of frequencies (i.e. Epsilon, Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta, Gamma). These waves can be measured using an Electroencephalograph (EEG). Below is a list of wave types, along with their corresponding frequencies and states of consciousness:
Epsilon: 0.00–0.05 Hz
Epsilon wave patterns have not been heavily studied, however they may be connected to intense meditative states.
Delta: 0.05–4 Hz
Delta brainwave patterns characterize slow wave sleep.
Theta: 4–8 Hz Normal deep sleep state.
Theta waves are produced between dreams, and represent an "interlude" between dreams. The waves tend to last 15-30 minutes between REM states.
Alpha: 8–12 Hz Typical dream state.
Alpha waves can be seen in persons watching movies or television narratives in which they are fully engrossed, mostly unaware of their surroundings.
Beta: 12–30 Hz
Beta waves correspond to normal conscious brain activity, ranging from calm and relaxed consciousness, to fight-or-flight panic.
Gamma: 30–100+ Hz
As the ability to measure brainwave frequency has significantly improved with advances in digital technology, it has become possible and practical to measure brainwave frequencies beyond 30 Hz. As more is learned about these brainwaves, a change in classifications may occur. The beta-wave level of consciousness seems to extend well beyond 30 Hz, but frequencies of 90 Hz or more (gamma waves), are shown to be associated with coordination of signals across longer distances within the brain, facilitating the completion of complex actions or associations which require the simultaneous use of multiple brain regions.

Further reading

Hoffman, Kay (1998). The Trance Workbook: Understanding & using the power of altered states. Translated by Elfie Homann, Clive Williams, and Dr Christliebe El Mogharbel. Translation edited by Laurel Ornitz. ISBN 0-8069-1765-2
James, William The Varieties of Religious Experience (1902) ISBN 0-14-039034-0
Roberts, T.B. (Ed.) (2001). Psychoactive Sacramentals: Essays on Entheogens and Religion. San Francisco: Council on Spiritual Practices.
Roberts, T.B. and P.J. Hruby. (1995–2002). Religion and Psychoactive Sacraments An Entheogen Chrestomathy. Online archive. [2]
Roberts, T.B. “Chemical Input—Religious Output: Entheogens.” Chapter 10 of Where God and Science Meet: Vol. 3: The Psychology of Religious Experience. Edited by Robert McNamara. Westport, CT: Praeger/Greenwood, 2006.
Weinel, Jonathan. “Bass Drum, Saxophone & Laptop: Real-time psychedelic performance software.” eContact! 12.4 — Perspectives on the Electroacoustic Work / Perspectives sur l’œuvre électroacoustique (August 2010). Montréal: CEC.
Wier, Dennis R. Trance: From Magic to Technology. Transmedia, 1995. ISBN 1-888428-38-4 


Abacomancy, also known as Amathomancy (from the Greek word "amathos" meaning sand) a form of divination based on the interpretation of the patterns in dust, dirt, silt, sand, or the ashes of the recently deceased. Reading the patterns is believed to give some insight into the future. Readers drop the dirt, sand, or ashes on a flat surface and start looking for a pattern that may represent symbols or pictures. They interpret these symbols and pictures to what is going to happen in the future. Some look for certain symbols that are seen over and over.

Palmistry: Lines & Mounts

The three lines found on almost all hands, and generally given most weight by palmists:

  • The heart line is the first of the major lines examined by a reader and represents love and attraction.[9] It is found towards the top of the palm, under the fingers. In some traditions, the line is read as starting from the edge of the palm under the little finger and flowing across the palm towards the thumb; in others, it is seen as starting under the fingers and flowing toward the outside edge of the palm. Palmists interpret this line to represent matters of the heart, that is, more literally, our emotional living; it is therefore believed to be an insight into how the emotional sides of our mindframes will act out and be acted upon during our lifetimes, and often said, to what extent we possess emotional reservoirs within us, for example, a chained or gridded heart line( or emotional line) is often seen in people who are highly strung, nervous and draw upon emotional strength and insight to attain their ambitions,i.e. they wear their 'emotions' on their sleeves,often to draw strength. Such chaining or gridding on the heart line (emotional line) is often seen in intensely creative artists such as musicians and writers, as well as deeply driven scientists. Dealing with emotions, the line is also claimed to indicate romantic perspectives and intimate relationships, again, a chained or gridded heart line is said to point to a flirtatious attitude to love, and one which can be prone to fall in love easily. On a physical level, the heart line is indirectly associated with heart health, moreso through the effects that emotions can have on the body such as with blood pressure. A chained heart line is often associated with high blood pressure, but also of an 'adrenaline junkie' attitude in life.

  • The next line identified by palmists is the head line. This line starts at the edge of the palm under the index finger and flows across the palm towards the outside edge. Often, the head line is joined with the life line (see below) at inception. Palmists generally interpret this line to represent the person's mind and the way it works, including learning style, communication style, intellectualism, and thirst for knowledge. It is also believed to indicate a preference for creative or analytical approaches to information (i.e., right brain or left brain).

  • The life line is perhaps the most controversial line on the hand.[citation needed] This line extends from the edge of the palm above the thumb and travels in an arc towards the wrist. This line is believed to represent the person's vitality and vigor, physical health and general well being. The life line is also believed to reflect major life changes, including cataclysmic events, physical injuries, and relocations. Contrary to popular belief, modern palmists generally do not believe that the length of a person's life line is tied to the length of a person's life.

  • The combined length of these three main lines (heart, head, life) can also be used. If this combined length is longer than a persons foot they may be over bearing. However, if it is shorter they may give in too easily to other people. A similar length suggests a well balanced individual.

    Additional major lines or variations include:
    A simian crease, or fusing of the heart and head lines, has special significance in that both emotional as well as reasoning nature have to be studied from this line alone. The peculiar line is thought to be a combination of the head and heart lines on such hands that are separately marked on the rest of the hands.

    According to Cheiro, this line is thought to endow a person with an intensity of purpose or single-mindedness, the nature of which is decided upon by exact position of this line on the hand and the direction of any branches shooting from it, which is normally the case. In hands where such a line exists without any branches as a singular mark, it indicates an extremely intense nature and special care is needed for such persons. The normal position for the line is starting below the index finger and ending where normally the heart line terminates at the edge of the hand below the little finger, indicating average interests for the person and the intense side of the nature is decided purely by the direction of any branches shooting from it. The upper half of the palm lying immediately below the fingers is considered to represent the higher or intellectual nature and the lower half of the palm to represent the materialistic side of the nature. If one of these halves is larger than the other as decided by the central placement of the head line or in this case the single transverse palmar crease it shows greater development of that aspect of the nature. Based on this general principle, if this line is placed below its normal position it indicates an intensely intellectual nature; if it is placed above its normal position it indicates an intensely materialistic nature and interests. The direction in which any branches may be found shooting from this line have a significant impact on the nature of this line resulting in suitable modifications from the above defined results depending on the nature of the mounts on the hand. For instance, if a branch from this line shoots to the mount of Moon lying on the lower edge of the hand exactly opposite the thumb, it indicates an intensely vacillating nature and emotional temperament.
  • The fate line runs from the bottom of the palm near the wrist, up through the center of the palm towards the middle finger. This line is believed to be tied to the person's life path, including school and career choices, successes and obstacles. Sometimes this line is thought to reflect circumstances beyond the individual's control, or alternately the person's choices and their consequences

Other minor lines:

  • Sun line - parallel to the Fate Line, under the ring finger; believed to indicate fame or scandal
  • Girdle of Venus - starts between the little and ring fingers, runs in a rough arc under the ring and middle fingers to end between the middle and pointer fingers; thought to relate to emotional intelligence and the ability to manipulate
  • Union lines - short horizontal lines found on the percussive edge of the palm between the Heart Line and the bottom of the little finger; believed to indicate close relationships, sometimes - but not always - romantic.
  • Mercury line - runs from the bottom of the palm near the wrist, up through the palm towards the little finger; purported to be an indicator of persistent health issues, business acumen, or skill in communication.
  • Travel lines - these are horizontal lines found on the percussive edge of the palm between the wrist and the heart line; each line is said to represent a trip taken by the subject - the longer the line, the more important the trip is to the subject.
  • Other markings - these include stars, crosses, triangles, squares, tridents, and rings under each of the fingers; their supposed impact and meaning varies by location on the palm and freedom from other interfering lines.
  • "Apollo line" - the Apollo line means to have a fortunate life; it travels from the Mount of the Moon at the wrist to beneath the Apollo finger.
  • "Ominous line" - crosses life line and forms 'x' shape; very bad sign to find; palm readers will often not mention this line because of the worry it causes to the person being read. Common indicators of ominous line include 'M' being formed by other lines. 


In order to be able to interpret the lines—and their effects on our relationships—it is essential to have an understanding of the underlying mounts.[citation needed]

The hand is divided into seven segments called mounts. Each mount relates to a corresponding planet with a specific portfolio. The mounts of the hand provide a tangible record of how we deal with each of these planetary influences, and what our challenges are.

The mounts also represent the colors in the spectrum of the rainbow. The more each mount begins to reflect the characteristics of its own specific light frequency, the more representative it becomes of the superconscious soul or light within.

The mounts are Luna, Venus, Mars (formed by its negative and positive poles), Jupiter, Saturn, Sun, Mercury and Rahu and Ketu.

Following is a brief description of the mounts and the specific characteristics that they reflect.
  • The mount of Luna (or Moon - represents the first stage of our evolutionary process. Luna stands for the original plan of creation, as in the Bible quotation, “in the beginning was the Word...” As such, it relates to the collective unconscious as well as to each person’s individual receptivity to tune into that creative source. Luna pertains to the qualities of perception, creativity, imagination and sensory awareness.
  • Venus - next in the sequence of mounts, represents the actual physical manifestation of the “concept” which was initiated in Luna. (“... and the Word was made flesh....”*). Venus represents the actual cellular makeup—or energy—that manifests itself in physical form. It shows the condition of the body and how at home we feel in our physical form. The mount of Venus reflects the presence or absence of qualities such as harmony, kindness, grace, charm and love. It reflects our degree of physical and sexual health, sensuality and beauty.
  • Mars negative - is the next focus of attention for the unfolding human soul. Symbolically, it relates to the mobilization of the spark of incarnate energy originally conceived and then brought into being through Luna and then Venus. Mars negative stands for our energy, which, when not properly harnessed and channeled, can lead to exhaustion, or possibly to anger and aggression.
  • Jupiter - represents the awakening of the conscious mind. In India, it is referred to as the guru or dispeller of darkness. It speaks of our sense of purpose—what role we want to play in life. Jupiter stands for ambition, confidence, leadership and justice.
  • Saturn - indicates the necessity to search within. It represents the alchemist who is able to synthesize the experiences of Jupiter in order to extract a deeper meaning of life. Saturn stands for wisdom, co-ordination and discernment.
  • The Sun - in our hand indicates our desire to share all that has been learned from the profound nature of Saturn. It is referred to as atma and represents our soul. The Sun shows that aspect within us which can transcend any limitations. Success, charisma and integrity are all characteristic of the Sun.
  • Mercury - In India, stands for the Buddha and reflects an “enlightened” consciousness. It relates to our involvement in the world, and also our ability to be detached from the fruits of our actions. Mercury denotes intuition, spontaneity and the ability to communicate effortlessly.
  • Mars - Next lies the mount of Mars positive (which, with Mars negative—located on the opposite side of the palm—forms the Mars galaxy). Whereas Mars negative relates to our physical energy, Mars positive deals with our mental strength. Positive characteristics include endurance, persistence, and a calm mental state.
  • Rahu and Ketu - are inextricably intertwined. Ketu represents the kinds of circumstances we attracted in the past and our attitudes towards them, whereas Rahu relates to our immediate environment. A famous Sanskrit verse tells us that “our present is the result of all our yesterdays, and the future depends on how well we live today.” This sums up the relationship between Rahu and Ketu.
Ketu is our karmic account book, whose balance sheet portrays the entire record of our thoughts, attitudes, and behavior of the past. Rahu reflects the kind of environment we are likely to attract in the present, and how receptive we are to either making the most of it, or limiting its potentials by resisting opportunities that come our way.
From a metaphysical viewpoint, as the mounts begin to express the ideal characteristics for which they stand—for example, the objective perception of Luna, the unconditional love of Venus, the calmly active energy of Mars—they consequently begin to radiate at their specific light frequencies in the color spectrum. The result is pure radiant light.