Saturday, May 26, 2012

How To Hypnotize


I's the practice of hypnotizing a person (Putting them into unconscious state), sometimes for making changes in mind of the person being hypnotized according to the will of Hypnotist.

Types Of Hypnotism 



But before hypnotizing others, one must hypnotize oneself, because one who can hypnotize himself/herself can hypnotize the world. So, here's a way to hypnotize yourself. You can put these techniques to hypnotize them for you, but you must hypnotize yourself first.

The essentials of self hypnotism are the same as for the meditation that you must be able to relaxe and clear your mind from all sorta thoughts.
For understanding the hypnotism, it's necessary to know about the states of mind.

States Of Mind 

There are 3 basic states of mind.
1. Lot of thoughts, usually most of us experience it
2. Blank state of mind
3. Only one concentrated thought at a time (It is needed in meditation, hypnotism and telepathy and all kinda especial (extra sensory perceptions) practices.

Step By Step Tutorial

  • Step 1. First step is physical relaxation. Sit in an easy position, close your eyes and try to avoid unnecessary movements of your body. Try to imagine that each part of your head is relaxing from hair roots, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, lips till neck then go to right hand, then left hand, then chest, belly muscles to the right leg, foot, then left leg , left foot, in this way relax muscles of whole body.
  •  Step 2. Second step is all about mental relaxation, normally you must be in state of "Lots Of Thoughts"  that is many thoughts and worries must be in your mind, but now you have to relax our mind by clearing your mind from all sorta thoughts and worries, there're a lot of ways to do so, here's a simple one: You can put a bowlful water in front of you and then pick all of your worries and thoughts (Education, job, family matters etc) and put them into this water bowl one by one, in this way sooner or later your mind will enter into the second state of mind, "Blank State Of Mind"  that is without worries and thoughts, you go completely into unconscious state, always remember to ask your mind in beginning of mental relaxation that after so time (Decide this time yourself) you will be awaken out of this unconscious state of mind (Hypnotic Sleep).

As soon as you achieve this pint, you must be in good state of peace
Now you may start active part of self hypnotism as follows
  • Step 3. Put your arm in front of you, now tell yourself that your arm is getting lighter and lighter, say these words and feel them in your mind until your arm becomes so lighter that it starts raising in the air in front of you. 

  • Step 4. Once you succeeded in achieving this step then ask yourself that your arm is getting heavy and heavy and it's lowering down, until it again comes back in your lap. Once you have succeeded in it, you may try other actions of obeying difficult orders. 
  • Step 5. Now tell yourself that you're going to awake out of this state of mind, in this way you will be out of self hypnosis state. 
Once you get success in performing all these steps on yourself, then you may try them on others to hypnotize them for you.
Always remember that a mind in the form of Hypnotic Sleep gets ready to accept all types of suggestions from hypnotist. In this way hypnotism may be useful in making a person ready to leave all his bad habits like drinking, doing ill sexual practices and hurting others. 

If you don't succeed in performing these steps, then don't loose your heart and try to give effective suggestions by careful selections of the words used in the whole process and increase concentration of your mind by focusing your eyes on "Hypnotic Disc" and then do this practice again and again until you get this great skill of hypnotizing yourself and others.
NOTE: Never force yourself or others to do such things which are against the nature or religious limits. Always use it to relieve worries of yourself and others to make this world full of pleasures. 

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