AllahLiterally "The God." There is no plural, masculine or feminine forms of this word in Arabic. This denotes the One True God, the Almighty Creator.
Alhamdulillah /al-hamdilillah / al-hamdulillah
A phrase that Muslims often use in conversation, especially when thanking God for blessings. It literally means "Praise be to Allah."
Affirmations are declarations of our worthiest goals. Repeating those declarations often enough that our subconscious minds accepts them as fact, will guide our behaviour accordingly towards the goal. Through affirmations we can declare ourselves happier, more positive, healthier, stronger, more successful … the list goes on … whatever it is that will help us love ourselves more.
Positive affirmations align our spirit with the Universe.
Alchemy is the ancient practice in which ‘metallurgy’, medicine, chemistry, religion and mysticism were blended together in an effort to achieve several goals - the main one, being to transform base metals into ‘precious’ metals, was symbolic of the alchemist’s hope of bringing the Universe closer to its highest potential - physically and spiritually.
Another intention of the ancient alchemist was to discover an elixir that would cure all diseases, and indefinitely extend human life expectancy whilst maintaining optimum health. They are of the belief that there is an inseparable bond between the physical and the spiritual/metaphysical.
An altered state of consciousness is a state in which the mind perceives, conceives and processes information in a different way to which it normally does. Such states include meditation, trances, astral travel, clairaudience, clairsentience, clairvoyance (and other psychic/spiritual/paranormal states) and hypnosis (both regression and otherwise), dreams and daydreams.
Other altered states of consciousness are induced voluntarily, such as ‘recreational’ and prescription drug use and the drinking of alcohol (to an inebriated state).
The wearing of amulets was practiced by all the great ancient civilizations, and especially that of Ancient Egypt from which so many symbols emerge. Centuries of magical faith and experience support the belief that these legendary luck-bringers can attract good luck or avert misfortune.
An amulet wards off danger, negative energies and misfortune. An amulet has always been used for protection, especially against the dreaded power of the ‘evil eye’.
Crystals and gemstones have been used both as amulets. Given their natural beauty, rarity and value, crystals and precious stones in the ancient cultures were believed to possess intrinsic virtues which radiated their energies to its owner or wearer.
Apart from precious stones and their virtues, there are time-honoured amulets consisting of things in some form or design which is believed to the ‘magical’.
beings of light that serve as God's messengers; They lack free will.
The spirit world is able to manipulate physical objects here on earth, often transporting them through space and time so that they appear before us. This manipulation or ability is called ‘apportation’.
The Astral Body consists of a subtle energy field of light that encases the physical body. The Astral Body is the fourth layer of the aura. It is morphous - that is, lacking definite shape, and is composed of clouds of colour, more beautiful than those of the emotional body.
The Astral body usually has the same set of colours as the emotional body, but they are mostly infused with the rose colour of Love. This body extends from six to twelve inches from the physical body.
Astral Catalepsy is the sensation of the body’s reaction when the spirit either enters or leaves the physical body.
During ‘Astral Travel’ the spirit leaves the physical body. The vast majority of the time our spirits slip in and out of our bodies very easily without disturbing our sleeping, conscious minds.
On rare occasions though, depending upon the level of sleep the conscious mind happens to be in, the spirit is ‘caught’ either entering or leaving the body. This gives one the sensation of:
* shortness of breath, often caused by the sensation of an oppressive weight on the chest.
* paralysis
* being touched by something or someone menacing, but invisible.
* an overwhelming vibration
* loud noises and/or buzzing
* the appearance of strange lights
* a sensation of someone/something sitting on the bed, or moving the bed sheets etc.
Astral projection is when the spirit temporarily leaves the body. The spirit is able to leave for a moment; or can project itself to a specific location – which in the dimension of the spirit realm takes no longer than an instant.
Astral travel is when our spirits take a ‘trip’ away from the physical body. The spirit is able to take off and visit wherever and whomever we wish. Astral travel lies at the core of some of our most vivid and memorable dreams.
Astrology is an ancient art charting the cycles of the Universe and the positions of the planets at the time of birth, to forecast, predict and draw a distinct impression of the personality and the Life Path.
The Astrology Chart or Zodiac is made up of twelve Sun or natal signs; each with its own ruling planet and a specific segment of the calendar.
The Aura is sometimes called the ‘etheric substance’ or ‘etheric body’ that surrounds and emanates every living thing. It is the outer-layer of the electromagnetic energies.
Every aura contains all the colours of the spectrum, but the dominant colours may vary depending upon our physical and emotional health.
Bodies of the Aura
- The Etheric Body is the first layer. It has the same structure as the physical body, including all the anatomical parts and organs. The web-like structure of the etheric body is in constant motion and to the clairvoyant vision, sparks of bluish-white light move along its energy-lines throughout the entire physical body It extends from one quarter of an inch to two inches from the physical body.
- The Emotional Body is the second layer and is associated with feelings. Its structure is more fluid than the etheric, and it does not duplicate the physical, but instead roughly follows the outline of the physical body. It appears to be coloured clouds of fine substance in continual fluid motion and extends from one inch to three inches from the physical body.
- The Mental Body is the third layer. It extends beyond the emotional body and is composed of still finer substances, all of which are associated with thought and mental processes. This body usually appears as a bright yellow light radiating about the head and shoulders and extending around the whole body. It extends three to eight inches from the physical body.
- The Astral Body is the fourth layer. It is morphous - that is, lacking definite shape, and is composed of clouds of colour, more beautiful than those of the emotional body. The Astral body usually has the same set of colours as the emotional body, but they are mostly infused with the rose colour of Love. This body extends from six to twelve inches from the physical body.
- The Etheric Template Body is the fifth layer, and is so called because if contains all the forms that exist on the physical plane in a ‘blueprint’ form. It looks rather like the negative of a photograph. It is the blueprint or perfect form for the etheric layer to take and it extends from one and a half to two feet from the physical body.
- The Celestial Body is the sixth layer and is the emotional level of the Spiritual plane. It is the level through which we experience Spiritual ecstasy and can be reached through deep meditation and it extends two to two and a half feet from the physical body.
- The Ketheric Body or Causal Body is the seventh layer. This is the mental level of the Spiritual plane. It extends from two and a half to three and a half feet from the physical body.
Automatic writing is writing (or typing) that involves the intuitive mind taking over from the rational mind in order to access and record information.
The angel of death.
BarzakhThe state of the souls of the deceased before the Day of Judgment, when they will be assigned to Heaven or to Hell.
The word ‘banshee’ originates from a Celtic word meaning ‘woman of the fairy’. Banshees are most noted for their piercing wail said to break glass for miles around, alerting families to the death of a relative.
The sound of the wailing is said to do with the density of the fog and the speed of the spirit moving from the physical body into the realm of spirit.
To bi-locate is the ability to be in two (or more) places at once.
This is able to be achieved in the spirit realm but not in the physical/material world when we are in human form.
The Birth Sign is also known as the Sun Sign in Astrology. This is the astrological sign that the sun was in at the time you were born.
A bleed-through is an event in which two separate times or dimensions come together with such intense spiritual force that for a brief time they meet, meld and blend together and become one.
The word chakra is Sanskrit for ‘vortex’ or ‘wheel’. The chakras are energy centres within our physical bodies. There are 7 major chakras between the crown (or top) of the head, to the base of the spine. There are another 42 or so minor chakras and more in the aura.
Each of the 7 chakras correspond to a major endocrine gland in the body and each of them control specific physical areas and functions.
Cell Memory is the entire body of knowledge that our spirit minds have gathered during all our past lives, infused and reacted to by every cell in the physical body the moment the spirit enters the fetus.
Our spirit minds remember every moment we’ve experienced in this life.
A ‘channel’ or ‘channeler’ is someone who is able to communicate with spirit and the ‘other side’. This process is known as ‘channeling’. A channel is also sometimes known as a Medium and also known as Kashf-e-Kaboor in Islamic spiritualism.
Repetitive, short, simple words, an affirmation, or sounds used to help attain a deeper spiritual or meditative state.
Chi is the positive Universal energy that flows through the body’s vital organs and circulates through the entire body. Chi is positive energy.
Clairaudience is a French word that means ‘clear hearing’. Clairaudience is the ability to hear things that originate in another dimension. It is the definite audio-perception of actual sounds and words.
Clairsentience is the ability to receive a silent thought, message or projected emotion from nearby or from other dimensions, and experience it as an actual physical and emotional sensation. Clairsentience is sometimes called ‘clear thinking’ or ‘clear knowing’.
Clairvoyance is the ability to see things, objects or information that originates from another dimension. Sometimes this is called ‘clear seeing.’
· Clairvoyant visions originate in other dimensions, and earth is the only dimension where we have the concept of ‘time’. Everywhere else there is nothing but ‘now’, so past, present and future are not necessarily factored into a vision. This is why it is often difficult for clairvoyants to predict an exact date or time.
Deep thought or inner-reflection as a type of prayer or meditation.
The Cosmic Other Side is as identical reflection of the Universe as our Other Side is of Earth. The residents of the Other Side are the most highly advanced in the Universe.
A six-stages creative act by God.
Creative visualization is the method of using images to help one to achieve their goals. This is often used during meditation, prayer or deep relaxation.
Crystals and other natural gems are formed in the earth over countless millennia. The energy they have absorbed during their formation is ancient, rich and potent, and their atoms are arranged with geometric precision.
Some crystals align the magnetic fields of the earth as the crystal naturally vibrates it’s own energy. This energizes it’s environment and anyone and anything in close proximity. Because of the potent energy they emit, crystals are capable of balancing human energy amongst other things.Crystals emit negative ions which help create uplifting and harmonious feelings. As a personal tool for transformation crystals can be used to amplify, store, transmit and focus your thoughts, emotions and desires, ultimately manifesting them into reality. Crystals bring about clarity, stimulate our resources to cope, and bring about a state of peace and balance into our life.
Curses are an attempt at controlling others by way of manipulation and fear.
The angels who travel in the earth searching out assemblies where people remember God’s name. Harut and Marut are two angels mentioned in Qur'an, who were sent down to test the people at Babylon.
A discarnate spirit is a spirit without a physical body. eg. a ghost.
Deja vu is a fleeting glimpse into our other lives, on earth and on the Other Side.
There are two kinds of déjà vu.
- The first occurs when you visit a certain place, house, foreign country or somewhere that you know you’ve never been to before, and suddenly realize that it is very familiar. When we experience this intense familiarity with an unfamiliar place, it is our spirit’s memories of a past life. When the spirit memories build in the subconscious are stirred so deeply by sights from a whole other incarnation, those memories emerge into the conscious mind. This same kind of déjà vu applies to people as well. We all know people who have seemed familiar the moment we meet them.
- The second kind of déjà vu consists of a moment in which every single detail, from what you are doing and saying to what you are wearing, the surrounds and what you are thinking are so familiar that you are absolutely positive that you are re-living an exact duplicate of a moment from your past. These instances never last longer than a few seconds. The moment is always gone in less time than it too us to notice it.
Distant healing is the ability to give and/or receive ‘healing’ from a distance. This is where the client/patient/person/animal does not have to be in the vicinity of the healer for the healing affects to take place. The healing is projected to the person/animal who is being healed.
Divination is the use of objects in the hopes of finding answers to our questions. It is also the practice of ‘fortune-telling’ future events. There are many hundreds of different tools practitioners use when divining.
A diviner is someone who divines the location of water, minerals and objects, often with the use of ‘divining rods’.
‘Doppelganger’ is a German word meaning ‘double goer’. When a doppelganger is involved, the body (living, breathing, physical body) bi-locates, or can be seen in two different places at once.
Dowsing is a form of divination that has been used for thousands and thousands of years to search for everything from underground water and minerals to buried treasure. It is also utilized to find energy fields, discover illness in the body and find lost items.
A dowser is a person who dowses.
Generally, there are five (5) categories of dreams: Release Dreams, Wish Dreams, Prophetic Dreams, Information or Problem Solving Dreams and Astral Travels/Visits.
Deluge and Noah's (Nuh's) Ark
Worldwide flood event with water vessel containing remains of humanity and set of all animals.
An earthbound spirit is another name for a ghost or spirit that has left its physical body, but is unable or unwilling to enter the ‘tunnel’. As a result of this, the spirit remains earthbound.
Ectoplasm is thought to be the tangible residue of energy that is transmitted between a psychic/medium and a ghost or spirit. It is the etheric matter that spirits/ghosts produce to make themselves visible to living beings.
Another theory is that ectoplasm originates in the earthbound and is the manifestation of the ghost’s own etheric substance caught between dimensions.
From personal experience, one is able to come into contact with ectoplasm during ‘trance’ work and contact with spirit during meditation and the like. It has a sticky, cob-web-spider-web-like feeling and gives the impression of clinging to you. (hard to describe…)
Essence = I AM
The etheric substance is the energy that permeates and emanates from every space in the Universe and every space within us all.
E S P stands for ‘extra-sensory perception’. ESP is a means of knowing that something is going to happen before it does. It also describes perceptions of thought and experiences without using any of the 5 basic human senses.
We are definitely not the only inhabited planet in the Universe.
The driving out of an unwanted and unwelcome spirit.
Fairies exist in the ‘Elemental’ realm.
‘Fakirs’ are specific orders of yogis, Sufis and East Indians who embrace the belief that poverty and deprivation are essential for a true closeness to God.
Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese system for creating harmony in the environment, unblocking and ushering out negative energies. It is the practice of balancing energies in the environment.
Free association is the method of saying or writing the first thing that comes to mind in response to a word or picture.
Garden of EdenThe heavenly Paradise where Adam and Eve lived before their Fall.
Ghosts are discarnate spirits. For a variety of very personal reasons, some spirits either see the tunnel and white light and reject it, or refuse to acknowledge it at all, which leaves them stranded here on the earthplane outside of their bodies, caught between the lower vibrational level we exist in on earth, and the much higher-frequency vibrational level of the Other Side.
Graphology is the examination and analysis of a person’s handwriting to determine that person’s personality and character.
With every single human there's a Humzad with him/her. It's born with him/her.
Guided imagery is usually in the form of meditation. A guided meditation uses inspiring imagination in a focused and directed way to achieve goals and to heal the mind and body.
Glossolalia is ‘talking in tongues’. ‘Talking in tongues’ is a practice still observed in some religious sects in which a person is elevated to a state of ecstasy that seems to trigger a stream of incomprehensible syllables unrelated to any known language, past or present.
A place is deemed to be ‘haunted’ if there is a discarnate spirit or ghost in residence.
A ‘healer’ is a person who is able to channel healing energies and direct them to someone in need of ‘healing’, be that physically, mentally and/or spirituality.
The state of the souls of the deceased before the Day of Judgment, when they will be assigned to Heaven or to Hell
The studying of the Horoscope is an ancient art charting the cycles of the Universe and the positions of the planets at the time of birth, to forecast, predict and draw a distinct impression of the personality and the Life Path.
The Horoscope, Astrology Chart or Zodiac is made up of twelve sun or natal signs; each with its own ruling planet and a specific segment of the calendar, called ‘Houses’.
Hypnosis is a procedure by which the conscious mind is suppressed enough that underlying information held in the subconscious and/or the spirit mind can be assessed.
A hypnotherapist or hypnotist is someone trained to hypnotize.
Insha'AllahGod Willing, we must use Insha'Allah in every time we talk in future tense. Cuz nothing can happen without will of God.
The angel of doom trumpet.
Your intuition is your own personal early warning system.It alerts you to changing energies, dangers, knowledge and relevant information.Our job is to listen to what it is telling us and take heed of the messages.
An invocation is a formal greeting or prayer to call upon the presence of spirits, jinns or qareen/guardian angel.
An imprint is an intensely concentrated pocket of energy – a site at which some extremely dramatic event/s has taken place with such profound impact that the images and emotions from those events literally become a part of the land and the atmosphere at the site itself. Not only do those images and emotions become self-sustaining over the years, but everyone who experiences the powerful effect of the imprinted images and emotions and strongly reacts also lends even more energy to the imprint and helps perpetuate it.
Infused knowledge is the phenomenon in which information is directly transferred from one mind to another, with no involvement at all from the five physical senses.
Infused knowledge is one of the most common ways that the spirit world on the Other Side communicates with our spirit minds.
JannahHeaven; the abode of the righteous after the Day of Judgment; contains the Garden of Paradise.
Hell; the abode of the wicked after the Day of Judgment.
Jibrail / Gabriel
The archangel Gabriel and Jibrail is an archangel who serves as a messenger from God.
creatures of fire; along with angels and humans, one of the three intelligent species created by God.
The sacred mosque that we visit while on the Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca). Ibrahim (Abraham) and Ishmael built the Kaaba at God's request, to serve as the earthly counterpart of Jannah (Heaven). Adam built the original earthly Kaaba, but Ibraham and his son had to rebuild it.
A Kami is the spirit of a departed loved one whose energy remains within the family and community.
Kiraman Katibin
The two angels who record a person's good and bad deeds.
Kinetic energy is the unintentional, spontaneous manipulation of inanimate objects through no obvious physical means, causing its possessor to become kind of a walking force field.
Kinetic energy is often at its strongest when the body is going through dramatic hormonal changes - during pre-pubescence or puberty, or in pregnant or menopausal women. It can also manifest itself in young children.
Kirilian photography is a method of capturing on film the auras, or energy patterns, that surround all living things.
It was discovered by two Russian scientists, Semyon and Valentina Kirilian in 1939. It involves passing a high frequency electrical current through an object while photographing the object either directly or through glass. The result is an image of the object, along with coloured auras around them that are capable of indicating illness, stress and other emotional and physical afflictions.
Levitation is the phenomenon in which the human body is physically elevated into the air and suspended there for a discernible length of time, without the use of any external or artificial device/s.
The Life Force is that energy within us and the entirety of creation that makes us ‘alive’.
MaalikThe angel who guards the Hellfire.
The angel of nature.
A state in which the body is consciously relaxed, and the mind is able to become calm and focused.
Mediumship is the ability to experience contact with the spirits of passed over people/souls, as well as other entities such as angels and spirit guides.
A Medium is a person whose psychic abilities are complimented by an extended range of frequency perceptions. The role of the medium is to fascilitate communication with the spirit realm in order to receive and share messages.
Every atom, particle and cell of all living things on this planet are surrounded by an energy field known as the ‘Aura’. The aura has a series of layers and ‘meridians’ which are channels which convey energy around the body. According to ancient Chinese medicine, there are 14 meridians that carry ‘chi’ throughout the body.
The word metaphysics is derived from the Greek work ‘meta’ meaning ‘beyond’ or ‘after’, and ‘physika’ meaning physical’.
Metaphysics is a philosophy that looks at events that have no physical, scientific explanation.
Morphic Resonance occurs when the spirit mind is confronted with a place or a person so profoundly familiar from a past life that it experiences almost total recall. Deeply affected by that recall, the spirit mind infuses the conscious mind with that same factual and emotional information to the point where the whole body (physically, mentally and spiritually) resonates with a familiarity that only the spirit mind can claim.
Munkar and Nakir
The angels who test the faith of the dead in their graves.
A class of guardian angels who keep people from death until its decreed time.
Broadly, the word ‘myth’ can refer to any traditional story.
A Near Death Experience (NDE) is the phenomenon where the physical body experiences clinical death, but has the vivid awareness of the spirit separating from his or her physical body.
Numerology is ‘The Science of Numbers’ - the study of numbers and their incredible effect on our lives. Numbers have been in existence since the beginning of time and predates all Alphabets.
Numerology tells of our potential destiny, our natural talents, and helps us to gain a better understanding of ourselves and others. It shows us the pathway we need to take in our lives to fulfill our potential and also tells us one of the many reasons why we each have different traits and characteristics.
Omens are signs we look for to predict the future, or to tell us the circumstances of current events. Most omens have been adapted from ancient times to the present, spread and plagiarized from one culture to another and passed down through generations.
An oracle can be a person considered to be a source of wisdom. It can also be referred to as a shrine dedicated to a prophetic deity. The Runes, Tarot, I Ching, Angel Cards amongst many other forms of divination can be considered oracles.
The Other Side is where our spirits come from when we enter the womb. It is also where our spirits go when the physical body dies. It is the realm of spirit. till the Qyammah (The day of judgement)
A Ouija Board consist of a board with letters of the alphabet, numbers and words. A ‘planchette’ moves around the board when fingers or hands are placed lightly upon it, spelling out words and messages from spirit.
An ‘Out Of Body Experience’ is when a person’s consciousness is able to see the world from a perspective that transcends the physical body, and bypasses the physical senses.
Palmistry is the interpretation of a person’s past, present and future, through the study of the lines and other natural markings of the hands. Your dominant hand is thought to reveal your life’s path, while the other hand is thought to indicate your ultimate destiny.
A Pendulum is an object that is suspended from a fixed point, which moves in response to a natural force and/or psychic energy. Pendulums work by connecting with electrical impulses created by our subconscious minds. These influences cause the Pendulum to move, and we can then read these movements to gain insight into the deepest parts of ourselves.
The dictionary definition of the word phenomenon is: “an observable event, particularly one that is remarkable or in some way extraordinary.”
Possession is when a spirit invades and completely overtakes a physical body without consent and to the total submission of the spirit who is already inhabiting that body.
Prana is a form of energy that permeates all physical matter.
An awareness (on a psychic level) of a future event before it takes place.
A premonition is an awareness of a future event, yet to take place.
A prophecy is knowledge and/or information that comes in the form of a vision or dream, before it happens.
Prophetic dreams are dreams in which a future event or events are detailed. People of all creeds and cultures throughout the ages have accepted that dreams could foretell the future or reveal long-forgotten images of the past.
Rather than assaulting the body, ‘psychic attacks’ target our minds, our sense of personal power, our self-conscious, our self-esteem and our hopes and dreams. They drain us of our energy and make us feel depleted on every level.
A psychic attack happens when someone (or a dark entity) consciously and purposefully directs negative energy towards another.
Psychoanalysis is a methodical approach used to examine the unconscious mind, as a way of mental and emotional healing.
Psychokinesis is a Greek word, ‘psyche’ meaning ‘mind’ and ‘kinein’ which means ‘to move’.
Psychokinesis is the ability to use the mind to move or manipulate objects without physically touching them. It is deliberate, focused and specific on the part of its practitioner.
Psychometry is the ability to sense and interpret the living energy that has been absorbed by inanimate objects. Perceptions of that energy can come in the form of visions, smells, sounds, emotions and even specific empathic physical sensations like pain, heat and cold.
The Day of Resurrection (and the reward and punishment of the good and the wicked);
‘Quickening’ means “to come to life” … “to have the spirit enter and activate the earthly body”.
RidwanThe angel in charge of maintaining Jannah or Paradise.
Reflexology is a method of ‘hands on healing’ using massage to activate points on the feet and hands that directly relate to organs of the physical body. Reflexology is a technique of diagnosis and treatment in which certain areas of the body, particularly the hands and feet, are massaged to alleviate pain or other symptoms in the organs of the body.
Minor energy points are found within the hands and feet. Healers use these energy channels or points to heal others physically, emotionally and mentally by using healing techniques such Reflexology, Reiki, aromatherapy, massage and other similar alternative therapies.
Reiki (pronounced ray-kee) is an ancient form of natural, holistic healing which was used in Tibet and the far East 6,000 years ago. Eastern religions considered it a sacred healing art and guarded against misuse by keeping the teachings and symbols secret. Only the ‘selected ones’ were taught and very few written records were made.
Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese Christian educator, rediscovered the technique encrypted among Sanskrit records in the late 1800s. Since then people all over the world have been taught to receive Universal Energy through their crown chakras (top of the head) and pass it through their bodies and out their hands into another’s body via the hands-on technique of Reiki.
Reiki is the ancient practice of ‘hands on’ energy healing. Healing with one’s hands is an art, or possibly a science, that finds documented testimonials of "miracles" predating Christianity by nearly a millennium. Universal Life-Force Energy fueled by the power of White Light is what energy-workers believe changes negative to positive, cures the sick, regenerates tissue and accelerates the body’s own natural healing process.
The hands-on healer is trained to utilize this energy, without ego, to facilitate themselves and others in returning to a state of balance and health.
Remote viewing is a skill that allows us to perceive and describe details about a specific item or location that we are separated from by time, distance or a physical barrier.
Retrocognition is when one has intuitive knowledge of past events, without gaining information through the traditional five senses.
SAWSWhen writing the name of the Prophet Muhammad, we must follow it with the abbreviation "SAWS." These letters stand for the Arabic words "sallallahu alayhi wa salaam" (may God's blessings and peace be with him). We use these words to show respect to one of God's Prophet. It is also abbreviated as "PBUH," which stand for the English words of similar meaning ("peace be upon him").
Also Known As: PBUH
Scrying is a practice of divination that provokes clairvoyance when a ‘reader’ stares into a reflective surface while in a deep state of concentration or trance. It is an ancient approach to fortune-telling that employs the use of an object to focus on, or stare at or into, until a vision appears. Objects used for scrying can be stones, coins, mirrors, crystals, crystal bowls and water.
‘Séance’ is a French word which means ‘sitting’. A séance is a gathering in which a channeler attempts to communicate with spirit/s.
Shamanism are holistic healing techniques that begin at the spirit level.
Shamanistic practitioners (Shamans) thrive in countries throughout the world and in almost every religion. Shamans believe that everything in nature is alive. As a result everything in nature possesses information. Shamans work with that information and with the spirits of humans and animals around them to diagnose, to treat and to heal the soul and whatever illness is creating a shadow around it.
Synchronicity is an ‘especially meaningful coincidences’.
(please see COINCIDENCE)
The dictionary defines ‘synergism’ as “the simultaneous action of separate agencies which, together, have greater total effect than the sum of their individual effects.”
Synergism, or synergy, is the simultaneous action of separate people who, together, have a greater total effect than the sum of their individual power.
A talisman is a token, charm or small object of some kind that is worn, carried or kept by its owner. The purpose of a talisman is to attract and help ensure a specific goal, usually good luck, self-confidence, protection, emotional clarity, strength, good health etc.
Tarot cards reflect life’s journey from birth to death, mirroring the path from naivety to experience and self knowledge. Most aspects of human experience are found in the Tarot cards.
Telepathy is the direct, instantaneous passing of information, knowledge or feelings from one person or entity to another, without using the senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste or smell. Silent transference takes place from a sender to a receiver (sometimes over great distances) and it can happen deliberately or without either the sender nor the receiver being aware of it.
The information is received in a variety of ways: phrases or words that pop into the mind for no apparent reason, quick flashes of half-complete images, unusually vivid dreams, or a sudden preoccupation with a person we might not have seen, heard or thought of in a long time.
The ability to communicate thoughts to another without the use of physical means.
A totem is an entity that protect and oversee groups of people such as clans, tribes and families.
Totem beliefs have been present within societies throughout the world, particularly in countries such as Australia, Asia, Africa, Eastern and Western Europe, the Americas and the Arctic polar region.
Many people today choose to adopt a personal totem which has special meaning to them. This can be an animal, symbol or any emblem of personal, spiritual significance.
A trance is a condition in which there is an actual, dramatic, measurable drop in the physical body’s vital signs, an equally measurable decrease in mental activity and a complete, temporary halt to all voluntary movement.
A trance is a state of altered consciousness.
Transfiguration is when a spirit’s physical characteristics are superimposed over a person’s features (usually a ‘medium’ during trance) which presents an image of the spirit entity.
Tulpas are beings that originate in the mind, then through intense belief and visualization, become actual physical realities.
The universal Energy Field is the energy of all existence, which encompasses the physical and non-physical.
Vortexes are most commonly seen in nature in the form of tornados and water spouts – masses of air or water spinning with such speed and force that they are able to pull any objects in their path into the void or ‘eye’ at the centre.
These spiraling masses of energy also exist in swirling vortexes of the earth’s power, usually unseen but dramatically perceived via sudden gravitational anomalies, seemingly impossible light and sound distortions, unexplainable contorted plant life and human effects ranging from dizziness to sudden deep introspection to euphoria.
According to some studies, there are ‘in-flow’ vortexes where the energy flows from space towards the Earth – and ‘up-flow’ vortexes in which the energy flows out of the Earth towards space.
Xenoglossy is the ability to speak or write in a language never learned by the person exhibiting these skills. Xenoglossy is a spontaneous, inexplicable fluency in a traceable (often ancient) language or dialect.
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What is So Very Different About Your VALENTINA Psychic Love Reading?
ReplyDeleteAs a Visionary Tarot Reader and Psychic Empath - I am able to assist you, RIGHT NOW, regarding the crucial happiness of your TRUE heart. And the first words I wish to say to you are:
Love light & blessings to you!