Sunday, May 13, 2012


Step 1

This spell MUST be performed, beginning to end, on the night/morning of a full moon, between the hours of 12:00 a.m. and 3:00 a.m.

Step 2

You will need the following items:
1. A mirror (any size or shape)
2. An item you wish the Djinn to become bound to. This item must be a personal relic from your past. The stronger the personal meaning the item has to you, the better it will work. Many people use rings or pendants, for their subtlety and their ease of transportation.
3. Black lipstick (anything that is solid black and will write easily on a mirror without damaging it will work, but I’ve found lipstick to be the best thing to use)
4. An unscented black candle, white candle, and red candle (these can be any size or shape, as long as they don’t have a scent). Black candles can be sometimes difficult to find, but, if you can’t find one at your local superstore or candle store, you may want to check online.

First, you need to set up the area you wish to perform the spell. You should be in a perfectly quiet room, where you can be alone during the duration of the spell, and stay relaxed. You need to have your mirror, lipstick, and personal item nearby, and the candles need to be set up in a straight line on the floor, about 6 inches from one another, in the order: white, red, black.

Now, to begin the spell, you must say the following words 3 times (I will include pronunciation in parenthesis).

Allah (ah-lah) shafim (sha-feem) barat (buh-rot) shiu (shoe) kamir (kuh-meer).

This incantation is used to “open the gates” to the world of the Djinn.

After you have said the incantation, light your candles, in the order, white, black, red (the white and black candles represent the free will of the Djinn, while the red candle, as well as the flame that rests upon it, represents the fire which gave birth to the Djinn).

Now, here is where you will choose the specific type of Djinn you wish to summon. Choose what you want, and, with the black lipstick, write the words as neatly as possible, towards the center of the mirror. Please note that you MUST, choose either male or female, and you must choose the type of Djinn. You can’t “leave it blank”.
First, no matter what you’re choosing, write:
Ali Allah hamal Jinni

Then, for the sex, after the word Jinni, write:
Muschna (for male), or vamir (for female).

Now, after the sex is written, write the following, no matter what type of Djinn you choose.
al aman.

Now, write the word for the type of Djinn you wish to choose after the period after aman.

*For a Marid Djinn (most powerful, friendly, water element), write-
Majirr Al-Amari

*For an Ifrit (Efrit) Djinn (malicious, second most powerful, fire element), write
Flamarr Al-Amari

*For a Guhl (shapeshifting), write
Sul Al-Amari

*And for a Sila (the weakest of the Djinn, however, recommended if you are a beginner), write
Shamal Al-Amari

Then, after the type of Djinn, write the following:
Closun ontei.

Now, you may feel the Djinn’s presence in the room with you. If you don’t don’t worry, as many people don’t unless they are familiar with the energies a Djinn puts off.

Now, you must request that the Djinn be bound to your item (ring, pendant, etc.) in exchange for some of your psychic energy (Djinn feed off of psychic energies, but it must be offered to them, so the Djinn will gladly accept your offer.

To do this, say “I wish you to be physically and spiritually bound to this ____ (name of item) presented to you here.” You don’t have to do anything special with the item…just make sure it’s near your casting area, so the Djinn doesn’t enter into the wrong item. Then say “In exchange for your mortal services, I offer you a certain amount of my own energies.”

Then, you must perform a short (1 or 2 minutes) meditation, during which, you will concentrate as hard as you can on “transferring your energy from your body, and into the item you wish to bind the Djinn to.” After you’ve finished your meditation, and transferred some of your energy into the item, the Djinn should be bound the item. Now, to close the spell, say the following 3 times:

En (in) tien (tea-in) Allah (ah-lah) cluman (clue-mon).

After you have said the recitation, blow out the red candle, then the black, and then the white.

Wipe off the lipstick from the mirror, as the spell is now completed.

Also, as a special bonus, I am going to include some tips on beginning communications with your Djinn. However, these tips are not originally mine, and I am passing them to you by permission of another Djinn conjurer, who wishes to remain anonymous. Here they are:

Since your Djinn is new to you, there is very little chance it will appear as a physical manifestation until it gains your trust. If you wish to ask it a question, however, there are ways that most Djinn prefer to answer you.

If you wish to ask it a question, before it gets used to you, and will answer you with audible sound, do this: Take a pencil in your weakest hand, and place it on the first line of an empty piece of paper. Ask the question outloud, in the presence of the Djinn, and command the Djinn to guide your hand and lead your to answers. Then, close your eyes, and begin moving the pencil slowly in random patterns, just doing whatever feels right, without thinking about what you’re writing, until the paper is covered. Then, open your eyes, and examine the paper. Many times you will find that (if your Djinn isn’t too stubborn), it will have guided your hand to write out the answer to your questions within the paper. Just look for words scattered among the random marks.

Another way, and a way the Djinn prefer to communicate with their masters, is through the dream world. To communicate this way, simply have the Djinn close to you, and, right before you go to bed, do a 10 or 15 minute meditation on the question you would like the Djinn to answer. Then, go to sleep immediately after. You’ll find that the Djinn will appear in your dreams, in one form or another, and will help to advise and guide you. You will find these techniques very useful for asking the Djinn information about itself, such as it’s name, and if it is ready to start granting your wishes, etc.

Thank you, and Blessed Be.  


  1. it didn't fucking work >.< this is all a fake

    1. Evocation and working with entity beyond our normal scope of perception is not a simple matter. If you are not familiar with working with spiritual entity and you dive right in, expecting intimidate resulted, you are foolish. Keep trying, and devote your self to your practice. There is no such thing as results without effort.

    2. I'm trying this tonight without candles because djinns was born out of smokeless fire so I'm guessing a djinn was born from lighting for that's the only fire I can think of that's smokeless and I wear a glow in the dark mortal Kombat necklace that I can offer the djinn to be bound to and I don't think I can find black lip stick so I'm going to write this invokation or whatever it is to summon a djinn on paper and place it on the dresser and hope the djinn can read in the dark

    3. you have to start with the weakest first and even then it will be difficult and some people just wont be able to accomplish it and the only time it will work is at the time of the full moon but someone of your caliber might need an offering to give to a god to call forth the sprit/djinn

  2. Hi there,

    I am interested to conjure djinn in a dream and I would appreciate if anyone helps with proven ritual /s.

    1. Contact our spiritual God father @ +16512196878 or email ..Note: he does not talk with his own voice and sometimes being hard to those who tried to play around .Wish you luck with what you looking .

  3. can't you make a video or write every thing which we have to write on mirro plzz

  4. Replies
    1. if u are a muslim don't attempt this as it will end ur faith

    2. If YOU are a Muslim, you'd be stating verses to back your claims up and not going around telling people they're less of a Muslim than you. Don't preach without being reasonable.


      There you go. It will end your faith.

  5. Lol @ white people and their gullibility. So quick to fall into witchcraft, believing they can a bend a jinn to their will. Jinns and others all over laugh at your false sense of superiority. Destructive and foolish, many of you. But hey! I won't stop you.

    1. Daaaaaammnn someone clearly has inferioty complex

    2. Lol white people are not superior.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. How do you get there name do they tell you willing

    5. you spelt it wrong idiot its djinn. Anyone can do this sometimes it just takes help for gods or other spirits soooo......

  6. hi admin.. i got 4 jinns.. but i can only speak with one jinn.. it helps me... i communicate with it in a different way... that is i used to ask question by mind voice and it answers me in a louder voice using my mouth...

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. How u summon them ? Can u share the procedure?and had u permission from any authorized person?must reply.

    3. Plz reply how u summon 4 of them ? Plz share

    4. i got 1 jin summoned according to this step and he fucking stole my wallet


      Ummm in so me to summon a djinn

    6. LMFAO on the wallet thing.
      I'm broke af so I doubt a jinn would steal my money.

      Btw, can a jinn help me get good A level grades and help me fight anxiety and depression? OR will the depression and anxiety make me vulnerable to a jinn? Feedback is strongly appreciated.

    7. i assume i would take a strong willed person to summon a jinn... as jinns don't always comply easily for that matter. as for Ifrit it will not only steal your wallet... it will steal your sleep too :P

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  8. People that are looking for a spirit/Khodam/Muwakil/djinn companion I would recommend this website as many of my friends and myself have purchased from the website after many months of research I have found are real Genuine Person But I must warn you he's very picky to who his entities go to I hope everyone can benefit from this.

    1. I tried this link u have given but its not working. If u really know someone who have jinn kindly provide the contact number i so badly need that in order to mend my relationship

  9. this is kufer no Muslim should attempt this

  10. most of what this man posts if kufr

  11. Yo I got like 5 jinns back here I'm tryna start an orgy you guys in or??

    1. I deadly nid ajinn..and can sacrifice me plz

  12. i tried this spell and the some fucking jinn stole my wallet, hey please get me my wallet back from the jinn, i'd be grateful

    1. In this case you mean to say that you got the jinn through this process. Don't worry about your wallet, I think he will give it back to you when he begins to trust you.

  13. i felt heavily presence of jinn on the 4th step i felt like someone was heavily breathing on my right shoulder,

    1. Looks like you had summoned a child djin. It was sitting on your shoulder and playing

  14. I'm possessed by a jinn how to get rid of ds

    1. IF it is harmful towards u , Ruqya is an islamic exorcism that u can listen to via youtube or some other platform , however if it is not ... then don't bother it will feed with u when u feed sleep when u sleep and communicate with you when u are in need ... they good creatures ya know

    2. Contact

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. This is not excepted in Islam .As married to a Sunni scholor...such practice only spells trouble and danger...You are dealing with dangerous weapons...They will beat you by mind and intelligence ...They know that there father made a bet can say...that how the can take all of mankind to Hell..So don't elwasye your time...use it in quran Salah sadaqah.This is from the wise.

  17. Now you have shown us how to get the genie but please, how do we send the genie away if you find it to be nuisance?

    1. Read ayat-ul-kursi a 100 times. Read five times of prayer everyday, recite Quran, and listen to Quran recitation. The jinn will run away by itself

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. It's Kufri....plz no muslim attempt will destroy ur faith...wanna call a Jin plz read 'sura jinn' at least 40 times in sha allah jinn will come 2 u.but remember one thing human is more powerful than jinn.

  19. All these things take a lot of devotion, time, dedication extra, extra hardwork and I mean devotion like crazy. Jinn are by nature deceptive so who knows what you drag in after investing so much time and emotion. That is even if it works in the first place. Guys, just leave all these things alone. If you really want to, go find a genuine fakir in India, Pakistan, Malaysia, Indonesia - and again good luck with that. Genuine fakirs are extremely rare.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Just Follow the DeViL he himself will teach you automatically...
    Don't waste your time in the chase of uncertainty

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  25. I perfumed the spell to call the jinn with the candle but I don't feel anyone's presence and I asked the question in my voice and also I did meditation but no one answered could it possible that no jinn had came on my call

  26. I perfumed the spell to call the jinn with the candle but I don't feel anyone's presence and I asked the question in my voice and also I did meditation but no one answered could it possible that no jinn had came on my call

  27. I perfumed the spell to call the jinn with the candle but I don't feel anyone's presence and I asked the question in my voice and also I did meditation but no one answered could it possible that no jinn had came on my call

  28. Never blow out a black candle! Let all the candles burn down. Repeat Never blow out a black candle. And if youve never worked with spirits please do a lot of study before you attempt this. You have to have strong cleansing and protection in place. Not only on yourself but your house and loved ones. And if you dont know how to banish the spirit PLEASE do not do this.

    1. In this formula it's saying blow all the candles and you r saying never blow the. Candles which one to believe

  29. please help me....I need money

  30. This way does work, but it is haram. There is no point talking to jinns, a selfish and ignorant race. We humans are superios.

  31. This way does work, but it is haram. There is no point talking to jinns, a selfish and ignorant race. We humans are superios.

  32. lahawla walakuwata illabilahi aliyu l azim

  33. Can anyone help me out?

    Please message me on my FB: Wzeove Venklyn Psarvok

  34. I used to Love a girl, still a love a girl.

    The girls pretends to be mine, but she has her own boyfriend already. I am loving her since 5/6 years from now on.

    I love her more than anything else. But, don't know she likes me or not. She only keeps telling like autistic she don't want anything factually, but yet as a friend.

    Now, I am young. Once I knew that this kind of relationship solutions can be done with the help of Jinns. I don't knkw it would be right or not, or can it be Haram? Halal? How? I know nothing, I am still 17, but I am fully helpless and want her to be mine at any cost. I love her more than anything.

    Can anyone help me with it??

    Please someone reply to me.. Or contact/help me on my Gmail

    or Facebook: Wzeove Venklyn Psarvok

    Thanks in Advance.


  36. You people are crazy y'all have no idea what Diinns are LOL its not something you can bined that only happens when you trap and imprison them you guys have no idea you're talking about beings that are 100 times or more smarter than humans you people make me laugh I happens to know someone who has a djinn and they are not to be messed with they'll turn you into rocks with their magical powers you people have no idea lol 😂 😂 😂 😂

    1. They don't do these things like turn into rocks etc they are made of fire and they have so many abilities but usually they kill the people or they get inside the body and they can do any kind of harm to you they don't use magics they have there own powers given by Allah to them and they use that power not magic! 😂😂😂

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  40. i agree with jonathan here..whats out there is so wrong ..most people when they see or hear the name djinn they place it with the islamic culture.
    this isnt correct..they go back far earlier..the ancient egyptians knew about them and there priesthood were master magicians..if you go to egypt the locals will tell you that around the pyramids there are many ginns that were placed there in ancient times...ill give you all a small taste with what they are....the ginns were originally encoded with specific information by high end magicians..this encoding has a specific signature..ill let you all ponder on this..

  41. It's not haram. The only thing haram is asking it to harm ppl and asking for protection.

  42. Also will the jinn be guaranteed Muslim?

  43. I would like to talk to you before I summon my jinn for it a service I want to make sure I'm signing the right one I would like to speak to a female Jinn because I'm a man and I think I will have more control over a female jinn

  44. I tried the above method possibly from this very same website to have jinn/genie friend 18 years ago exactly and I became mentally ill and started living like the aboriginal people of Australia which is where I live. I am unable to excrete faeces and urine 9times out 10.i cannot drive anymore and I can hardly use a phone. This whole business with Jinns is absolutely very very dangerous and I am living like an infidel and I'm always filthy and dirty and my house is a pigsty.i am sorry I ever tried this spell method and I hope Allah forgives me and sets me and my affairs in order so I can at least begin to live a normal can all be very curios interesting in the beginning but after you cast the spell there's no limit to the trouble it can bring you or anyone that tries it. Just be warned and careful. Peace.

  45. I tried the above method possibly from this very same website to have jinn/genie friend 18 years ago exactly and I became mentally ill and started living like the aboriginal people of Australia which is where I live. I am unable to excrete faeces and urine 9times out 10.i cannot drive anymore and I can hardly use a phone. This whole business with Jinns is absolutely very very dangerous and I am living like an infidel and I'm always filthy and dirty and my house is a pigsty.i am sorry I ever tried this spell method and I hope Allah forgives me and sets me and my affairs in order so I can at least begin to live a normal can all be very curios interesting in the beginning but after you cast the spell there's no limit to the trouble it can bring you or anyone that tries it. Just be warned and careful. Peace.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Praise be to Allah. The answer is that Allah (Almighty God who created the heavens and the Earth) is sufficient to help you. He said:
    وَقَالَ رَبُّكُمْ ادْعُونِي أَسْتَجِبْ لَكُمْ إِنَّ الَّذِينَ يَسْتَكْبِرُونَ عَنْ عِبَادَتِي سَيَدْخُلُونَ جَهَنَّمَ دَاخِرِينَ (غافر: 60)
    "And your Lord says, 'Call upon Me; I will respond to you.' Indeed, those who disdain My worship will enter Hell in humiliation."

    The Holy Quran informs us that calling upon jinn will result in trouble:
    وَأَنَّهُ كَانَ رِجَالٌ مِنْ الإِنسِ يَعُوذُونَ بِرِجَالٍ مِنْ الْجِنِّ فَزَادُوهُمْ رَهَقًا (الجن: 6).
    "And there were men from mankind who sought refuge in males from the jinn, so they [only] increased them in burden."

    Order a free Quran at

  48. Hi hope you are fine I want to control a jin I heard about jins that these spiritual things are dangerous I want to control it in a safe way can you help me please I want to make him my friend I am really confuse that how they will appear in front of me?? or how they sound like? I have so many questions about that please help me I really want a jin of kind helpful friendly in nature please help me I know you will give me a solution!!

  49. I only want my one wish to come true please help me! Do you have any instagram account I will tell you my wholestory there!

  50. Pls contact me if u want to summon angel.afreet and alwal.

  51. Replies
    1. 0248040599 no joke an realy serious.if u knw u are not never mind me.I will guide u for free to summon a jinns.or a lwal na bila that is the noble spirits for ur aid.

  52. I want two trillion dollars.. anyone please help me

  53. I do jinn ritual . both islamic and nin islamic jinn ritual. And also to call jinn to appear in the black triangle to communicate u. U can CONTACT ME ON

  54. I will only have to meditate for just a hours for my submissive Jinn am in total control of right from my childhood to solve all your problems and grant all your wishes. Text me on +1 347-5086880 or


  56. Join me on Facebook page for more knowledge about jinns and other spirits which are benevolent. Jinns magic

